14 - wasted love .

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Monday, August 4th.

"What time did you get off again?"

"I get off at 8, but I told you I can catch an Uber."

"Hasani, we've spoken about this. It's not up for debate, I'll be here to pick you up."

Sighing she narrowed her eyes at me, grabbing her purse.

"I don't like bothering you, especially since it's outta your way."

"It's not bothering, your safety is my top priority, I won't have you catching rides with random people. It's especially not out of my way." I said moving a fallen strand of hair out of her face

Goddamn this woman was beautiful.

Stepping out, I walked around opening the door for her.

"Okay, let me know as soon you don't-."

"Cleo, c'mon stop it." Grabbing her hand I planted a kiss before rubbing it

"You are not gonna live down that name." Shaking her head and smiling

"Most definitely not, I love the name."

"Alright, I'll let you go. Have a good day at work Pooh." Planting a kiss on my cheek I moved at her way so she could get out

"You too, I'll see you later." I returned the favor by kissing her forehead

Getting back inside, I headed towards my office.

This weekend was great, usually I really don't do much but sleep whenever I'm off.

But having Hasani around was nice, you think it's only so much you can know about a person.

I felt like it gave us a little time to bond, and I could see why I was so interested in her.

Her presence was just warm and welcoming.

It made me felt like, I wanted to pour out all my problems and worries.

That's how much she made me comfortable around her.

I knew things were moving pretty fast, but everything felt right.

It feels right, I know it's right.

I glanced at the time.


It's gonna be a long day.

I yawned, glancing at my phone again.


I should've went to bed early, playing around with Hasani I barely got any sleep.

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