21- like i want you .

401 30 3

Thursday, August 25th

I cracked my eyes open, the sun blinding me almost. Peeking over my shoulder I noticed Callum still sleeping.

Dinner lastnight was good, I felt like during that time I was being stubborn I missed out on so much.

For example Callum looking for a new home, he purchased a lot on the outskirts of New York.

He actually started drawing up a few sketches, that he promised to show me once we got back home.

Clicking the lock screen on my phone, for the time.

6:45 .

I yawned before sitting up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, climbing out of bed I slipped between the sheer canopy, opening my suitcase grabbing a toothbrush and toothpaste making my way to the sink.

Handling my business, I grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge taking a sip giving myself the chills.

I love when the water feels ice cold after anything minty touches my mouth.

I didn't know what time Callum had planned on waking up and moving around, so was gonna wait for him to get up before finding something to wear but start on my makeup because I knew it would take me a bit.

Picking up the bag, I walked over to the wall mirror sitting down right infront of it .

I decided I was gonna do a soft natural look, not too much because I was feeling lazy.

Opening my messages, I seen a had a few.

Sissy👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏽💕 : how is it going? Send me pics! Momma showed me the room, and I'm in love that tub is everything😮 I'm sorry I didn't take you into consideration, I just get in defense mode when anyone tries to come for you!☹️

Mom👩🏾‍🦱❤️ : WOW😱 that room is gorgeous SaSa, I need a man to take me to Tulum 😭

Chassy🤪 : so can i expect pictures today?🙄 oh apparently august asked for your number he said he wanted to check on you because he hated what happened a few days ago, I didn't give it tho😬

I rubbed my forehead a bit, I before blowing out a breathe thanking her in my head.

Callum wasn't fond of August at all, I told him it wasn't anything more than a friendship, nor was I gonna stop talking to him.

He told me he felt that August wanted me more than a friend in his words

"Cleo, I'm a man a smart one at that, I know how we operate. Men will stay in the friend zone for however long it takes especially of it's someone we're interested in. I'm not jealous but I'm not stupid."

Sure August was cute, but he reminded me too much of Jaali to even cross that line.

To Sissy👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏽💕 : it's okay, i get it i'd feel the same! omg it's gorgeous nae !😩callum really outdid hisself🥺

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