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Friday, August 26th

I had sex with Callum, holy fuck I had sex with Callum.

Hasani thought sitting in the tub, she debated on taking a shower but her body was sore and she bared herself to Callum so there was nothing to hide.

They took a bath together afterwards, so she just wanted to soak and get lost in her thoughts while Callum slept.

Lastnight was amazing to say the least, she felt completely on cloud nine. She felt catered to he made sure everything was about her.

Sinking deeper into the water, she rested her head on the lining of the tub closing her eyes.

"Goodmorning beautiful." Peaking with one eye she saw Callum sitting up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes

Standing up he made his way over to the sink, picking up his toothbrush.

"Goodmorning, how'd you sleep?"

"Good, what about you? How are you feeling?" He questioned spitting out the foam and rinsing his mouth out

Taking a seat near the tub, he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Fine, besides my body hurting a little."

"I'm sorry, I guess I got a little carried away." He smiled sheepishly a bit rubbing the back of his neck

"I'm okay, wanna join me?" She questioned sitting up and moving over

"Uh sure ." Pulling his shirt over his head, and throwing it on the farther side of the room

Turning her head to give him a little bit of privacy, he chuckled before getting in.

"It's a little too late for that mamas, we've seen each other naked already." Opening his arms she didn't hesitate to enter them

"I know but still." Laying her head on his shoulder

"Come to daddy." He laughed wrapping his arms around her back tracing small circles there

"Shut up." She laughed closing her eyes

"Figured out what you wanna do today?"

"I saw there's a pool bar, nearby we could maybe get drinks and i saw ATV riding."

"Whatever you wanna do is fine by me."

Not saying anything else the two sat there soaking in the quality time.

Hasani honestly didn't feel like moving, but she didn't want to just stay while there's a bunch of things to do and see.

Washing each other up, the two dried off and slipped on their clothes for the day.

"You hungry?"

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