16 - again .

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Wednesday, August 6th.

"Have you spoken to him yet?"

"No momma and I don't want to."

I sat on my couch channel surfing, while holding my phone between my shoulder and ear

It's been two days, since I've spoken to Callum.

How I'm feeling I don't even have the strength to do so.

I've gotten countless, text messages, and phone calls which have all gone unanswered.

I'm honestly hurt, but more angry.

Simply because I asked him, if he had anything going on.

I honestly had no intentions on telling my mom, but she's so into social media these days I knew she would've found it.

Janae called me briefly to tell me how sorry she is, and that she's here if I needed anything.

I also had no intentions on talking to her, but i knew she was worried about my wellbeing which is the only reason I answered.

What I really wanted was to be left alone.

"Hasani, you can't ignore him forever."

"That's exactly what I'm gonna do, I'm just glad I ain't sleep with him."

"Sani, you didn't even give him and chance to explain hisself."

"Momma whose side are you on?"

"I'm on no side, I'm simply being neutral, but what your doing is no good. He owes you and explanation, and if you don't like it you have every right to cut him off."

"I don't know what I was thinking, I bit off more than I could chew. I was moving too fast."

"You weren't. But again like I said hear him out. Y'all are grown this cat and mouse game isn't gonna work."

I sighed finally turning off the tv, I tilted my head back trying not to cry.

I hated crying especially over people, I truly try not to let my insecurities get to me but to have someone tell me I have nothing to worry about and then to catch them with that same person you expressed you worries over is fucked up.

"I don't want you to cry baby, I just want you to really think this over."

"I know momma, I'm just angry that's all."

"It's not good to harbor, that much anger to where it has you crying."

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hands, sniffing I let out a raspy breath.

"I'm going to bed baby, hear him out, then make your choice."

"Alright, goodnight I love you."

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