What does it feel like?

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A/N: This is based on a short story from the game Coffee Talk. Highly recommend it, each chapter of the game has a different short story that you can read that loosely relates to what happens in that chapter ^^

It was silent, except for the rumble of the engine as the car made its way down the highway.

Shinsou sat in the passengers seat, watching the mountains in the distance.

Kaminari was driving. He would occasionally glance over at his boyfriend, as if to make sure he was still there.

He wanted to say something, but didn't quite know what to talk about. Shinsou liked to talk about strange things.

He and Tokoyami would spend hours together talking about the occult.

He and Jirou liked to talk about different creepy facts they learned.

After a moment of thinking, Kaminari sighed. "What do you think it would feel like...to die?" He said.

Shinsou stayed silent for a moment, then sat up. "I guess it depends on how you die. I can imagine getting stabbed wouldn't feel so great."

"Yeah, I guess so." He chuckled. "What about getting your head cut off? Would that be a painful death?"

"I think the blade would sever your brain stem before you could even react, so it would probably be instantaneous."

"Wow, you sure know a lot about this kind of stuff!" Kaminari laughed.

"Mm." The taller man looked back out the window.

Kaminari sighed quietly. He still wanted to talk to Shinsou. "What about...a car crash...?"

"Why are we talking about this, Kaminari? Can we just enjoy our time together?" Shinsous large, rough hand enveloped Kaminaris small, soft one.

A huge smile spread across the blonde mans face. He would never get over being able to hold Shinsous hand. He loved it. It made him feel safe and warm. "I love you, Toshi."

"I love you too, Kami." He smiled softly and leaned over, pressing his surprisingly soft lips against his boyfriends.

The speedometer slowly crept up, the number going from 120 to 170.

The highway was almost empty.


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