Ill stay

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Kaminari woke in a cold sweat, his heart racing and his head spinning.

Ever since the villains attack on UA, he had been having awful nightmares, and they were only getting worse as the days went by.

He would wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to fall asleep until the first rays of sunlight peeked over the mountains.

He had to keep the lights on while he slept, just in case a villain tried to sneak in. He knew it was ridiculous.

Security surrounding the school had tightened immeasurably ever since that attack. No way a villain would be able to get past the schools fence, let alone into a students dormitory room.

But still. He couldn't help that nagging feeling in the back of his head that kept bringing up scenarios for each of his friends deaths by the hands of the League of Villains.

Todoroki and Momo would go for a walk in the mountains and get pushed off a cliff.

Tsuyu would get trapped in a snowstorm, go into hibernation and get kidnapped.

Uraraka would get tricked by Toga, who would disguise herself as Midoriya or Iida.

And that awful new villain. Nightingale, she called herself. Her last words to him could still be heard clear as day in his mind.

"I'll always be watching you...from the shadows..." Nightingales coarse, raspy laugh echoed throughout the small room.

The shadows almost seemed to be moving...

"Stop it!" Kaminari slapped himself. "Pull yourself together, Denki!"

He stood and paced for a moment before quickly heading out of his room. It was too bright. Light meant shadows which meant that thing could get him easily.

The hallway outside was dark and quiet. Too quiet. It was creepy...

Kaminari quietly made his way downstairs, being careful to not wake any of his classmates.

Once he reached the common room, he grabbed a cup of coffee, not bothering to wonder why it was already brewed, then headed outside to sit on the porch. Not like he was going to get much sleep that night anyways.

To his surprise, someone else was already there. Shinsou sat on a bench nearby, his legs crossed, an open notebook sat in his lap. Just on the deck in front of him was a steaming cup of coffee, almost half gone by this point. Leaning against the wall just beside him was a gorgeous acoustic guitar with a capo on it.

"Hey..." Kaminari spoke softly, not wanting to disturb the peacefulness of the night.

"What are you doing up?" Shinsous voice was naturally very deep and soft, so he didn't have to whisper at all.

"Nightmares..." The blond slowly sat down in a chair nearby, staring into his coffee.

That seemed to get Shinsous attention. He turned his head slightly. "Do you...want to talk about it?"

"No..." his voice broke slightly. He wouldn't cry. Not here. Not now.

To his great relief, Shinsou didn't press on. He could tell the subject was one Kaminari didn't want to dwell on.

" you want me to distract you from it?"

"Please." Kaminari closed his eyes, letting out a soft sigh.

A moment later, the soft strums of Shinsous guitar filled the silence, and soon after, his voice joined in.

People are puppets held together with string. There's a beautiful sadness that runs through him, as he asked me to pray to the god he doesn't believe in.

Shinsous voice was soft and raspy, almost like an ASMRtist but as a singer.

Time and again, boys are raised to be men. Impatient they start, fearful they end, but here was a man mourning tomorrow, he drank but finally drowned in his sorrow,

The music easily pushed away all of Kaminaris anxieties and intrusive thoughts.

Oh he could not break surface tension, he looked in the wrong place for redemption.

He just closed his eyes, allowing himself to detach from the world.

And don't look at me with those eyes, I tried to un-heave the ties, turn back the tide that drew him...but he couldn't be saved, a sadness runs through him...

Kaminari felt his face and eyes growing hot and wet with tears.

And that's when it happened. Hitoshi Shinsous strong arms wrapped around Kaminaris tiny body and lifted him into the air.

Kaminari, now pressed up against his chest, felt immensely safe and cozy in Shinsous arms. There was something so comforting about being held by someone larger than you.

"I-I-I should...I should go back to bed now..." He swallowed a lump in his throat, cuddling closer to the man cradling him like a baby.

"Do you want me to carry you?"


With ease, Shinsou carried Kaminari up four flights of stairs and down the long hall to his bedroom. "Do you need anything?" He set his friend down, standing close behind him.

"" He felt his cheeks heating up. No way was he seriously about to ask this. "Will...will you stay? At least until I fall asleep."

Shinsou turned Kaminari around to face him, his hands on the small boys shoulders. "I'll stay."

The two went to bed, Kaminari falling asleep almost immediately. Having Shinsou nearby definitely helped a lot.

That night as they slept, not a single speck of shadow dared to touch them.

A/N: loosely inspired by a Royai oneshot I just read ❤️

(drop some good Royai stories in the comments, homegirl is desperate lol 👀)

Anyways, the song Shinsou sings is up at the top annndddd here's the art piece ^^

Anyways, the song Shinsou sings is up at the top annndddd here's the art piece ^^

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