If we broke up

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A/N: y'all, I am SO sorry I've been gone so long 😔 I just started school and since I'm in grade 12 now, my classes and my art are gonna be taking up a lot of my time. I'll write as much as I can, but the uploads will probably be pretty inconsistent.

I'm also writing a sequel for It Was Meant for Someone Else because some people asked, but I kinda hit a wall in that one so idk 😅

Also, I didn't do an art piece because I wrote this in about 15 minutes in the middle of the night and I didn't feel like drawing anything. I may do something later, but we will see 

Anyways, have this little thing I wrote, based on one of my absolute favourite tiktok couples, nickychampa and itspierreboo

Shinsou could feel his heart rate pick up. His grip on the steering wheel was so tight, his knuckles had turned white.

Was he really about to ask this? Normal couples didn't talk about stuff like this. But then again, they weren't a normal couple.

But would Kaminari take it the wrong way? Oh well, only one way to find out...

He eventually spoke up, his voice cutting the silence in the car. "If we broke up..." Oh god. Oh fuck. Kaminari already looked like his heart was about to break.

"Are you...going to break up with me, Toshi...?" His voice was soft and cracked a little as he spoke.

"No! N-no, of course not!" He sighed and rubbed his face. Already fucked it up, Shinsou. Now your boyfriend is paranoid. "It's just a hypothetical, I swear."

"Okay..." Kaminari relaxed slightly, but still looked a little upset.

"If we broke up, what would you take with you?"

There was a long silence before he finally answered. "If we broke up...I would want to take you."


"Yeah. I don't ever want to lose you. Hitoshi, you're...you're the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you so much."

"I love you too..." He smiled softly and took Kaminaris small, delicate hand in his own.

"What would you take?"

Shinsou answered immediately, without hesitation. "The cats."

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