Come over

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A/N: yall, I am so so sorry I haven't been uploading as much. I've been going through a real hard time lately, plus I've been working on a lot of other stuff, but don't worry, all is well! The Queen is back and better than ever ❤️❤️

Also, I was thinking about drawing a little thing to go along with some of these one shots but like idk...would you guys like to see that?

Anyways, here's just a short little thing to get myself back in the rhythm. I am still working on some of the requests I got, and I'll try to get those up sometime soon. Enjoy!

"Aw, c'mon, just try it!" Mina begged, pushing her phone into her friend's face. She was desperately trying to get him signed up for a dating app.

"Mina, I don't need a boyfriend, I'm fine!" Kaminari ducked away from her and dashed across his apartment.

"Just for one week! Then I'll stop asking, I promise!" Mina hurried after him, still waving her phone at him. "Come on, man, this app is great! It's how I met Tsuyu!"

"You promise?"

"I promise! But,"

Kaminari groaned. There was always a catch with Mina.

"I get to set up your profile!" She giggled, a slight gleam in her eyes.

He narrowed his eyes at her. He knew that look. She was plotting something. But, what choice did he have? If he said no, she would just keep on asking. "...fine."

"YES!" She swiped his phone and hurried over to the couch. She was already downloading the app and getting ready to set up his profile.

"Just don't do anything weird." He sighed and sat down on the other couch.

"I won't, I promise!" She giggled as she scrolled through his photos searching for a profile picture, eventually deciding on one from last summer where he had met the pro hero, Lady Death. Kaminari looked drop dead gorgeous in the photo, so she figured it would be perfect. "Anyways, this app is pretty cool. Every day it connects you to someone random based on your interests, then you can text with them and decide whether or not you like them."

"Okay...I'll try it for about a week."

"Mhm, that sounds good." She handed his phone back, and the two continued with their movie night, both eventually falling asleep on the couch together.

When Kaminari woke up the next morning, Mina was already gone. A quick check of his phone revealed it was already noon. He had a mini heart attack before remembering he had the day off from work.

Most of his texts were just his friends sending him memes or Bakugou yelling at him for something stupid he did, but one of the notifications stood out to him.

It was from the app Mina had introduced him to. From someone called Rebecca.

All they had sent was...oh dear lord...

Kaminari deleted the chat immediately, then turned off his phone. "I think I'm done with that for the day...I'll just play video games instead."

The rest of the week went by. People on the app were either thirsty and asking him to come over, or just boring as all hell.

On the final day, he decided he would delete the app. Really, why should he bother? He was perfectly fine without a partner, thank you very much.

He had just picked up his phone when he got a text. It simply said

come over

He rolled his eyes and sighed. Just another thirsty bitch wanting a damn bj or something.

And why should I do that???

my boyfriend cheated on me on our anniversary
i got take out and came home from work early to surprise him only to find him with someone else
now i have two pizzas i can't finish alone and i want to watch a horror movie with someone

You had me at horror movie! 😆

Kaminari was already getting ready, even though he had no idea where this person lived.

that was literally the last thing i said

oop- lol 🤭
Anyways where do you live?

As soon as the person sent their address, Kaminari punched it into google maps on his phone and headed out to his car.

He told all his friends where he was going first, so that if he didn't come back, they would be able to tell the police where he had been last. Just in case.

After about ten minutes, he reached the house. A man and a woman were just leaving the house as he arrived. They hurried into the car in the driveway and quickly drove off.

Kaminari took a deep breath and headed towards the house, almost scared of what he might find inside.

The inside of the house was beautiful. It was elegant but more modestly elegant, like the houses you would see on tv.

A man was sat on the couch, setting up a movie on his laptop. There were two pizzas sitting in cardboard boxes on the table in front of him, along with a large bottle of ginger ale and two glasses.

"Hey..." Kaminari waved slightly, holding up his phone to show off the texts. "Are you Shinsou?"

"Mhm. Come sit down." Shinsou moved over a little to make room for his new friend.

"What are we gonna watch?" The blond happily sat down,kicking off his shoes and pulling off his jacket.

"Circle. It's about these people who all wake up in a room together and realize they have to vote for who dies next."

"Like Danganronpa!"

"What-? I...I mean, sort of...but not really...?" Shinsou looked up at him in confusion. "Anyways,'s good, but I don't like the bit about aliens. I much prefer it when it's people. Like in Saw, or Platform."

"Dude, are you kidding me?! Aliens are the coolest!" He playfully shoved the taller man.

"Yeah, sure." He smiled slightly and started up the movie.

They spent all night eating pizza and watching movies together.

At one point, Shinsou pulled off his jacket and tossed it aside, leaving him in only a tight t-shirt that showed off his muscles, and Kaminari couldn't help but stare at him.

The man was fucking ripped.

After a while, they fell asleep with Shinsou laying on top of Kaminari like a big heavy blanket.

Almost every night from that night on was spent like that.

Once they ran out of good horror movies to watch, they started watching awful horror movies just to make fun of them.

Kaminari would constantly thank Mina for getting him to try out the app, and her only response was "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO"

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