It was meant for someone else

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A/N: this oneshot will start with some Shintodo, but DONT WORRY, the Shinkami will come eventually (^∇^)

Shinsou opened his coffee shop at 6:00 am, just like every day.

And just like every day, his favourite customer entered the store at 6:30 exactly. Shoto Todoroki.

Shinsou would never admit it, but he had a huge crush on the tall, thin boy. He found himself dozing off slightly, thinking about Todoroki, when suddenly, the doorbell rang, snapping him out of his stupor.

"Morning." Todoroki nodded in greeting. Behind him stood a very short blond man, who was rocking back and forth and staring up at the chalkboard menu.

"Morning. The usual?" Shinsou responded, holding his hand out.

"Not today. It's too cold out for that. Today, I think I'll have a vanilla latte." Todoroki handed the barista the exact amount of change, then walked to the booth in the corner and pulled out his laptop to work.

The blond man stood perfectly still for a moment, then shrugged. "I'll have the same thing. That sounds good." He smiled and handed over his money as well.

"Sure thing." Shinsou turned and started making the lattes.

As he worked, he thought about how much he liked Todoroki, eventually deciding that today was the day. He would shoot his shot and give the man his number.

Of course, he was much too awkward to do it in person, so he would just write the number on Todorokis cup, then pray to god the man called him.

Once everything was done, he set the coffees down on the counter and called their names, then headed into the back room to avoid having to face Todoroki.

Unbeknownst to him, the two customers took the wrong cups. Denki Kaminari ended up with Shinsous number.

Later that night, once Shinsou had finished closing up shop, he headed upstairs to his apartment where his gorgeous little bastard of a kitten was waiting.

"What did you break this time?" He asked, scooping the kitten up and holding her close to her chest.

She only meowed in response as he carried her into the kitchen.

Just then, he got a text. He set the kitten down with a bowl of cat food, then answered.


oh hey
so you got my number then

Yep lol
I'm Denki Kaminari, nice to meet you!

Denki Kaminari? What? This wasn't Todoroki?

Shinsou stood perfectly still for a couple minutes, just staring at his phone. How did this guy get his number?

Just then, he realized what had happened. When he put out the orders earlier, Todoroki and Kaminari must've taken the wrong cups.

"Damn..." he muttered to himself. "What am I gonna do...?"

hitoshi shinsou

Wowwww, you have a cool name :0 lol
Anyways, are you busy tomorrow?

Shinsou glanced up at his calendar. Tomorrow was...Saturday. He just so happened to have the day off from work.

  no. i have the day off tomorrow

Perfect! You should come over or something!

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