This isnt a joke

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Requested by @sugaryjasminetea who gave me an incredibly detailed description of what they wanted ❤️

Hope you enjoy! 1661 words, without this A/N

Once class ended, everyone quickly gathered up their things and hurried out of the classroom to go get lunch.

It was the last day of school, and they were all excited to get the day over and done with so they could go home and visit their family.

All except for Shinsou. He would always hang back a little to talk with his father about when their next training session would be, among other things.

As he picked up his notebook, a piece of paper fell out from between the pages and dropped to the floor at the tall boys feet.

"What's that?" Aizawa asked, walking between the desks to get to where his son was.

"Ooohhhh, Shinsous got a secret admirer!" Mina teased from the doorway. Behind her, a light blush had spread across Kaminaris cheeks.

"Shut it." Shinsou mumbled, bending down to pick up the note. As Mina and her friend left, the tall boy took the paper out of the envelope it was in, and read it out loud for his father.

Hitoshi Shinsou -
Please meet me behind the dorms by the forest once school ends. I have something important to tell you.

Please come...

"Sounds like a love note to me." Aizawa smiled slightly.

"Oh, come on. Be realistic. Who the hell would send a love note to me?" Shinsou snapped, shoving the note into his pocket and quickly packing up the rest of his things.

"Ka-" Aizawa started, But was immediately cut off.

"I've been nothing but rude to them this whole time. No one in their right mind would like me. We agreed that would be best, didn't we?" His tone had gone incredibly sour.

At that, Aizawa remained quiet.

Shinsou hesitated, wondering whether or not to apologize to his father, before sighing and walking briskly out the door where, much to his surprise, Kaminari was waiting for him.

He shot the blonde a death glare and continued down the hall.

Kaminari, who had spent an entire year with Bakugou, was completely unfazed, and hurried to catch up with him. "Hey, wait up a sec!"

"What do you want?"

"Um, I wanted to see if you wanted to sit with me and my friends? We could help you figure out who that note was from...uh, maybe..." He laughed nervously.

Shinsou glanced down at Kaminari, brushing off his slightly strange behaviour as him just being awkward around the much taller boy. "I don't need your help. I'm perfectly capable of figuring things out on my own."

"Aw, come on! Just for today?" He pleaded, giving Shinsou puppy dog eyes. When that didn't work, he sighed and scratched his head. "Okay, look. If you sit with us today, I'll leave you alone next year. No more...trying to be friends."


"Come on! I pinky promise!" Kaminari smiled brightly, holding out his pinky finger.

He ignored the blonde and hurried away as they entered the cafeteria, having spotted Jirou, Tokoyami and Todoroki, and decided to sit with them instead.

The rowdy, crackhead energy emanating from Kaminari and his friends was too much for Shinsou to handle. It was the last day of school, and he wanted to relax with people he liked.

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