Stay back

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When Shinsou stepped out of his house into the early morning light, he was immediately approached by a scared looking woman. She explained that her town had been ransacked by a group of dragons that lived in the caves in the mountains.

Cursing under his breath, he accepted the woman's quest. Once he was ready, the woman payed him, and he set off on his journey.

It was just around noon when he started along the path up the mountains, so it was very hot, but he kept going. Luckily, his cape and the trees protected his pale skin from the sun.

About halfway up the mountain, he knelt down by a river in a large clearing to get some water and cool down a little. He splashed the water across his face and sighed softly, sitting back against a tree to think a little.

Why did he accept these quests? He didn't even want to kill dragons anymore. All he wanted was to live in the woods with his cats.

He sat and stared at himself in the running water. The man who stared back was one he barely recognized. He looked half-dead. The dark circles under his eyes had just become more intense, and his cheeks were sunken and hollow. He sighed and stood up, turning away from the river.

That's enough of that. He thought to himself before heading back towards the forest. And that was when he heard it. The flapping of leathery wings that meant a dragon was nearby. Drawing his sword, he ducked into the bushes nearby and waited for the dragon to either land or pass by.

Not a moment had passed before the dragon came to rest by the riverbank. It was small for a dragon, roughly the size of a fully grown Clydesdale. Its golden scales glinted in the sun as the dragon slowly lowered its head to drink from the water.

Shinsou quietly began to creep away, deciding that if the dragon hadn't noticed him, he wouldn't have to fight it. He didn't want to fight a dragon if he didn't have to. Suddenly, he stepped on a stick. It snapped loudly in the mostly quiet forest, and he felt his entire back go stiff, praying the dragon hadn't heard him.

Unfortunately, the dragons head bolted up at the sound. Its stomach rumbled, and it began creeping through the forest on all fours. It seemed to think that an animal had broken the stick, and was currently searching for food.

Shinsou quickly and quietly scaled the nearest tree. Being a dragon hunter, he was both agile and strong. He climbed about halfway up the tree, then drew his sword as a precautionary measure. If the dragon attacked, he would have to be ready to defend himself.

The dragon looked around, sniffing and poking at bushes, trying to figure out where the sound came from. It checked in the bushes, then began searching the trees.

Shinsou quietly crept around to the other side of the tree away from the dragon, being careful not to rustle the branches too much.

Just as he was about to leap into the next tree and make his escape, he looked down to see the dragons large, golden eyes peering up at him. Strangely enough, the creature wasn't making a move to attack. In fact, it seemed almost curious.

But Shinsou was not convinced. He had been fighting these creatures since he was a teenager. they were all monsters. This one was no different.

He dropped to the ground, drawing his sword to try and scare off the dragon. "Stay back."

The dragon flinched away slightly, it's eyes flicking over to the shiny blade and the pretty purple gem on the hilt of the sword.

Shinsou supposed he would have to kill this dragon. If it had seen him, it would go back to the dragons in the caves and warn them of his arrival.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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