All your fault

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The tall man led me through the dance, his hand resting gently on my waist.

The moonlight shone on his dark purple hair, making it shimmer and glow like starlight. He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen.

I allowed myself to zone out, trusting the man to keep me upright. Trusting him to not lead me astray.

As we danced through the shallow waves, I simply stared up at him with a small smile on my face.

He returned the gaze. His smile was so beautiful. It shone like the sun.

I loved him so much.

Our time dancing together on that beach was magical. It was like a dream.

But as all things do, our time together eventually came to an end.

We slowed to a stop and he pulled me against his chest in a warm embrace, his strong arms wrapped tightly around my body.

I feel safe in his arms. Like nothing can hurt me.

"Kaminari." He pulled away from me, leaving me cold and missing the warmth he gave me.

I looked up at him and choked back a sob as I saw what had happened to him.

A dark red stain blossomed on his chest. It was blood. A knife was clutched in my hand.

The waves became angry, swelling and crashing against my feet, threatening to drag me down into the dark water below us.

"This is all your fault, Kaminari." Shinsou growled, clutching at his chest. His voice was rough and ragged. "If it wasn't for you, I'd still be alive!"

"I know! I know, and I'm sorry! Hitoshi!" I screamed, desperately trying to make my way to him, but the waves crashed over me, dragging me below the surface.

I struggled to escape. It felt like I was swimming through honey. I never got any closer to the surface, where my boyfriend was bleeding out.

I could help him. I could call an ambulance. I could save him.

But deep down, I knew that wasn't true.

Hitoshi Shinsou had been dead for years. And I was the one who killed him.

I woke in a cold sweat, gasping and clutching the bedsheets so tightly, my knuckles had turned white. My heart was racing. Hot tears were streaming down my face and no matter how much I tried, I couldn't wipe them away.

My dreams were getting way too real.

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