You're freezing...

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After about half an hour of running through the increasingly darkening forest, Shinsou stopped and leaned against a tree.

The air was freezing, and every breath felt like he was being stabbed.

He glanced around at the ground, realizing that the tracks of the villain he and Kaminari had been following were completely gone. They had been covered up by the snowstorm they had been caught in.

Shinsou turned to look at Kaminari and sighed softly. His hero costume was suited for the cold, but poor Kaminari must be freezing. They would have to find somewhere to wait out the storm, and fast. "We lost him."

Kaminari stopped by Shinsou, taking deep breaths. His lips had gone blue and he was shaking like a leaf in the wind. " Right...w-what now then?"

He sighed and looked around. "This way. I think..." He easily picked the smaller boy up and took off.

The wind stung his face, but he didn't care. At that moment, all that mattered to him was keeping his friend safe from the cold.

The two boys quickly came across a small, dark log cabin, and finally, he set Kaminari down.

The windows were dusty and all the curtains had been drawn. It seemed as if no one had been in there in a very long time.

Shinsou tested the doorknob and to his relief, it wasn't locked. The two boys hurried inside, then wrestled the door closed against the forceful wind.

Kaminari cried out in relief, sliding down the wall as Shinsou locked the door.

The two boys then turned to look around the tiny cabin. It was dark, but they could see a little.

There were a few oil lamps and a fireplace, which Shinsou immediately began to light so Kaminari could get warm.

Right next to the fireplace was tons of dry wood, kindling and paper, along with a box of matches. Behind Shinsou was a small, faded green sofa.

Right behind that was a large oak table, with a single flower in a vase. The flower had long since wilted and died, but the boys could tell it had been a rose.

He watched Kaminari for a moment, then squinted into the darkness at the opposite end of the cabin. He could vaguely make out a shape there...

Lighting one of the oil lamps, he carried it over to the corner, only to find a single bed. It smelled of dust and wood, but it would have to do. Beggars can't be choosers.

"You can take the bed." Shinsou said, breaking the silence between them.

"Huh? Oh...uh, naw, it's fine, man. You look like you need a good nights sleep anyways." Kaminari smiled brightly at him.

How was he always able to stay so happy, Shinsou wondered. He had to admit, he was a little jealous. "Take the bed. It's fine, I don't sleep much anyways." He stated simply, pulling off his voice modifier and his binding cloth. Neither of those would be very comfortable to sleep in.

"Yeah, I can tell." Kaminari laughed quietly and followed suit. "Well, since we can't decide..." He blushed slightly, sidling closer to the tall boy.

"What are you implying...?" He took a couple steps back.

"Why don't we just share the bed? It'll keep us both warm at the same time, and we don't have to fight over who takes the bed and who takes the couch!" Kaminari was practically beaming.

Shinsou smiled slightly. Kaminaris smile lit up his entire world. "Uh...sure, fine, whatever." He headed over to the fire to stoke the flames and add another piece of wood before the two boys went to bed.

Kaminari flopped down onto the bed, sending up a large dust cloud which made him cough and choke.

"Careful. It's dusty." Shinsou deadpanned, not even turning to look at the blond boy.

"Jeez, you think?" He stumbled away from the bed, coughing and rubbing his eyes.

"It looks like this is a hunting cabin, so no ones set foot in here since fall." Shinsou straightened up and followed Kaminari to the bed.

"So we should be good to stay here without anyone walking in on us, right?"

"Mhm." He carefully lay down on the bed, trying not to disturb the dust.

Kaminari sighed softly, propping his head up in his hands to watch Shinsou. "'d you know this cabin would be here?"

The other boy stayed silent for a minute before answering. "Shota showed me a map of the forest before he sent us on this mission. I kept track of where we were in my head while we were running."

"Wow, really?!"



Shinsou glanced over at Kaminari. Throughout their conversation, the blond had been inching closer, and was now resting his head on Shinsous chest. He didn't say anything, though.

Not because he liked Kaminari. But they would have to cuddle to keep warm. Yep, that was definitely it.

He smiled slightly and pulled the blankets over the two of them.

Kaminari easily fell asleep. Shinsou, not so much.

He didn't really like the idea of spending the night in somebody else's cabin. It felt very Generic American Horror Story. As if some axe-wielding maniac would just pop out of nowhere and hack the two boys into pieces.

Unfortunately, it was really the only option they had. If they had stayed outside in the blizzard and tried to make their way back down the mountain, Kaminari probably would have frozen to death.

At some point in the night, Shinsou drifted off into a light sleep.

He awoke early the next morning to a sharp knock on the door. His heart was pounding out of his chest.

Was this the person who owned the cabin, come to see who was sleeping in their cabin? Was this a crazy axe murderer, come to kill whoever was sleeping in their cabin? Was this a-

"Hitoshi? Denki?" Aizawas voice came from the other side of the door, and he knocked again.

Shinsou let out a sigh of relief. It was only his dad. "Yeah, we're in here!" He raced over and flung open the door.

"Finally!" The man hugged Shinsou tightly. "We were looking everywhere for you. Mic thought you two had gotten buried in the snow, so he's still digging around at the base of the mountain looking for you."

"Of course." Shinsou laughed quietly and shook his head. "Alright, just let me wake up Kaminari and then we can leave."

He ducked back into the warm cabin and crossed to the bed, hesitating when he reached out to shake the blond awake. Kaminari looked so calm, and he decided he didn't want to wake him.

Shinsou made his father carry their support items, and he carried the sleeping boy towards the base of the mountain.

At one point, he tripped over a root and fell to his knees in the snow.

Still half-asleep, Kaminari mumbled, "I guess you could say you...fell for me?"

"I'm leaving you here to freeze to death."

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