Chapter Twenty

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I still hadn't spoken to Brian. I wasn't sure what he was feeling or thinking. Was he still in love with me? Or was he in love with Amanda? I knew I shouldn't let her get to me. I couldn't help it. I was questioning everything. Just like I had before we broke up when we quit speaking. It felt eerily like that; except I didn't have my mother in my ear this time. She hadn't even checked in on me.

Some mother you are. I thought.

I wasn't sure what to do. There were so many options. Go talk to him. Yell at Amanda some more. Leave town. None of them seemed quite right.

I thought back to college and how different things were between us. How amazing it had felt to be all his for the first time. I used to think to myself. "Wow, I'm Brian's girlfriend. He's all mine and I'm all his." Like he was this amazing prize to be won. I'd felt like the luckiest girl when my friends were having relationship problems and Brian and I were just going with the flow. We'd never even really argued. We had this amazing relationship other people were jealous of, only for it to all go up in smoke.

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. The only thing there was for me to do was to go talk to him. I'd never figure out what was going on or where things were headed if I didn't. I got ready and headed down to my car. I got inside and checked my makeup in the mirror. My stomach did a flip-flop as I thought about driving over to his house. I took a deep breath.

"Now or never." I said and backed out of my spot.

I was driving toward his house when I saw him sitting outside of the local coffee shop with none other than Amanda. My stomach dropped and my heart stopped beating. I felt a piece of it break. So, he still hadn't spoken to me but there he was meeting with Amanda once again.

It felt like my world stopped spinning as I pulled my car over to the side of the road. I got out and approached them.

"What's going on here?" I asked. Brian looked surprised to see me and, Amanda had a smug smile on her face. A smile I wanted to just smack off. She was such a bitch.

"It's not what you think." Brian said.

"Actually, it is. And it's none of your business." Amanda said.

It was all I needed to hear. This confirmed things for me. I didn't want to just sit around there any longer. I didn't want to hear whatever bullshit lie he was going to come up with. I needed to get out of there before I broke down and gave Amanda even more ammo to use against me. I hopped in my car with Brian yelling for me to "Wait!". I drove off, headed back to the hotel, packed my things and took off. I was unsure of where I was headed. I didn't know much about Colorado and at the time I didn't give a shit if I got lost.

I was so hurt. Way too hurt to spend another moment in that town.

My eyes stung with tears that were threatening to come out. I wanted nothing more than to forget about this part of my life. I didn't want to think about running into him anymore. It was total bullshit that I'd even ran into him. Why of all places did it have to be the town he lived in? Everyone kept throwing the word "Fate" around like we were destined to be together. Like this was something we couldn't fight. But it was painfully obvious we weren't going to end up together. This wasn't like in the movies. This was real life and I wasn't about to let him play around with my heart.

I pressed on heading south on a back road and when I came to a third street, I turned left. I continued to follow this pattern switching left and right every time I was ready to turn. I turned on my music at a stop sign that was dead. I played some country music and flew down the back-dirt roads. Driving was so therapeutic. It allowed me to be by myself without any distractions and think. Something I desperately needed to do.

Hannah's Fate |COMPLETED| 18+Where stories live. Discover now