G U N S - O U T

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A/N: Enjooooooooooy! 당신이 즐기시기 바랍니다!! :)


They were all singing their hearts out, going to every corner of the stage that they can to greet and see all the ARMYs that came to their show and spend a good two hours with them, blowing kisses here and there, sending finger hearts everywhere.

Each member has bright smiles on their faces, dancing and running all around, everyone was having a good time as the concert was about to end.

Suddenly the music was stopped abruptly. All the members were so confused as to why it happened when the concert hasn't fully ended. The audience were suddenly screaming, yelling for help to the security team in the area, some of them are already crying and trembling.

"What's going on?" The youngest male member asked his hyung, Jimin. But even the older boy is clueless with what is happening.

They were suddenly cornered by men in black with their guns out, threatening the idols. With their instincts and overprotectiveness, they pulled the female member behind their backs, protecting her for the possible shooting that may occur. But little did these boys know there is a man behind them that is ready to stab and hurt them.

"Where are the guards?" Namjoon yelled. The fans screamed that caught Y/N's attention. She looked at them and noticed they were looking behind her. She turned around, and the man pulled her and held her hostage. The boys then turned around hearing the fans screaming for their maknae's name.

"Y/N!" They called her. "Nobody moves! One step and this knife will go through her!" The hostage taker place the knife to her neck. She hissed in pain as the knife left a small wound. "Y/N!" The boys continue to yell.

"Everybody leave now!" Namjoon yelled as the fans who stayed, continue to cry. "No one leaves this room or she will die!" The man pointed his gun towards Y/N while she was being gripped by one of his colleagues.

"Y/N!" The man gripped her harder as she tries to free herself. The next scenario shocked the audience. The man stabbed Y/N. The audience screamed even louder, yelling Y/N's name in distress. The crowd is crying now.

No one seems to want to leave their idols in such a dangerous state. She was bloody and is getting weaker but she was still able to even kick the man unconscious despite her stab.

Jungkook then suddenly pulled Y/N behind him and glared at the man. He became her man shield. She was already losing consciousness from the wound she got. Jin put his arms around the girl, keeping her steady. But she suddenly collapsed, losing all strength making her and Jin on the floor, her passing out.

The members gasped seeing her already unconscious in the arms of the oldest, all bloody. "Y/N!" They all yelled as their maknae was lying down, almost lifeless. "아니! 기다려주세요!" (NO! PLEASE  HOLD ON!) Jin yelled already crying and shaking Y/N to keep her from closing her eyes.

"Help!" The leader yelled. Security finally arrived with SWAT, arresting the gunmen and grabbing the unconscious man with the knife. V, Hoseok, Jimin then went towards to Y/N and Jin. Not knowing what to do. Namjoon went to Jungkook to calm him down.

They now both looked at their maknae that is in a very critical and vulnerable stage. But as she was about to be picked up, the nurses yelled "Quick, she has no pulse" that left everyone in a shock.


"No!" He woke up perhaps from a very terrible dream looking around the dark room. "What the..." he mumbled and looked at his clock. 2:30 am. It was all a dream. "Oh my gosh" he took a deep breath, rubbing his face, looking beside his roommate who was still sleeping peacefully, he then decided to get up from his bed and get some water. That was one heck of a bloody nightmare.

He then peeked at the youngest's room after. There he saw her peacefully sleeping, he went inside and kissed her forehead, watching her sleep. The girl stirred and was woken up. "Hyung? What are you doing here? Why are you up this late? Are you okay?" She asked confused as to why he is in her room and alert if something is wrong. "Nothing maknae. You can sleep. Just checking on you. I'll be going back" he smiled at her.

The girl smiled at her hyung "aw, did Jin-hyung had a bad dream?" the oldest member faintly nodded. Y/N sat up and asked her oppa to tell her what happened as she pats her bed for him to sit "care to share, hyung?" He sighed and sat down, then told her what his nightmare was about.

"Oh my gosh" The girl was shocked by such a bloody dream and hugged her hyung.  "No worries hyung, I am here. I'm breathing and wound free. It won't happen, okay? I won't let something like that happen to me or to you and the boys, okay" she comforted her oppa.

Jin has tears in his eyes after he finished the story. "I love you, oppa" she called him. The girl then wiped those tears away and kiss her oppa on the nose. "I love you too, jagi." He replied. "Wow, you called me oppa" they both chuckled and afterwards hugged each other and soon they both fell asleep in her bed while hugging each other.


A/N : im sorry for the bad chapter sKESJEJSDJ it will get better im the next chapters i hope! <3333

shameless plug!
ig: @/_m1kr0kosm0os

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