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how'd u like the mixtape chapter though??
hope u will enjoy this! <333

how'd u like the mixtape chapter though??hope u will enjoy this! <333~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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They are once again back at the Incheon Airport from tour, the airport is really jampacked. Y/N is once again being killed by nervousness, as this crowd is much more crowded than the usual, since the area is really claustrophobic, going together isn't the best idea, and also, the group isn't in good terms as of the moment.

They recently had one of the most serious fights the group has got. She admitted that she has done something stupid that made the boys pretty much mad at her right now. Well that's what she thinks.

They all stepped out individually with their respective bodyguards. The spaces and moods of this group has as of the moment is pretty obvious. Y/N was the last to get out of the airport, and when she went out. The crowd which is actually filled with mostly fanboys has roared and went even crazier. The bodyguards are now squeezed to her aswell.

'Dang these fans are strong' just as she thought that someone just grabbed her wrist from behind and pulled her away from the bodyguards. She was squirming hoping to be able to escape. The guards noticed late that the idol they are protecting are nowhere in sight. She was trying to scream but the hand in her mouth was preventing her from doing so.

The man who was covered in a black mask and wearing a black outfit was carrying her and moving away from the crowded area. She was squirming and it seems as though the man got annoyed and put her against the wall, him blocking her way. He then punched her in the stomach. The poor girl then clutched her stomach as she tries to ease the pain and is also weak from fighting back.

She knows self-defense but at this point, it's as if everything she can do has slipped away. The boys then noticed that their maknae hasn't arrived in the van. "What's taking her so long?" They all mumbled and look outside the van and saw her bodyguards are in a frantic state and looking for the poor maknae.

"What's going on out there?" Namjoon asked ready to go out of the van to ensure the safety of their maknae, the boys watching the guards panic, closely. Manager Sejin noticed as well, he furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't know. I'll check. Stay inside." He said as he went out.

A few minutes later Manager Sejin was rushing towards the van talking to one of her bodyguards and harshly open the door of the shotgun seat making all the members look at him as he looks for his phone. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! How did this happen!" He yelled angrily at the bodyguard.

"Manager Sejin, what's going on?" They all asked worrry and concern etched on their faces. There they heard the news that they don't want to hear. "The girl's missing. She's nowhere to be found. Someone took her." Manager Sejin said and quickly grabbed his phone and dialed a number of whoever and started making conversation in hopes to find the girl.

They all looked at each other. "We cannot just sit here! She's out there. Alone and probably scared for her life!" Jin said. "We need to go out!" Jimin said. "That's it I'm going!" Yoongi said and was about to open the door. "Don't try to stop me. I won't waste time. She's in danger. And she needs us right now." He hissed as he steps out.

The fans roared but seems to give the boy space as they saw him in such a bad mood, he went in the opposite direction their manager went. The boys soon followed Suga.


The man was harassing the poor girl as he covers her mouth. "You're mine" the man whispered lustful. He was kissing the girl's neck as he tries to undo his pants. She was crying and having no strength to fight back. The man has hit her several times. Some scratches and bruises are already showing.


Just then, Manager Sejin noticed the boys running towards the opposite direction he was in. "FOLLOW THEM!" He ordered the security guards to protect the boys from further danger and running towards the boys too. "Aish, these boys!" He mumbled to himself as he makes another phone call while running. Hari, Y/N's stylist was also seen following the boys.

The boys then heard crying from a familiar sound in a distance. "That's familiar" they all mumbled. "Y/N!" Jungkook yelled when he looked towards the direction where the sound was coming from. The boys looked at where he was looking at. It was a dark area, probably a place where all the trash of the airport was placed.

There they saw their maknae, crying for dear life and no will power to fight back, as the guy continues to push himself on her. Yoongi lost it and harshly went towards the guy, pulled him away from Y/N and punched him. Y/N then collapsed on the floor crying and hugging herself, covering her body in ways that she can as she thought that she almost lost something so special and close to her.

Yoongi was punching the man that it got him unconscious. Namjoon just stopped Yoongi from hitting the guy, knowing he might've killed the man if no one stops him. They all then went towards their maknae who is still on the floor crying. Y/N flinched when they tried to hug her.

"Please don't hurt me" she cried and put her head in her knees, the hearts of the boys broke. "Boys!" Manager Sejin yelled once he saw them. He looked at Y/N and softened. Hari quickly jumped towards Y/N once she reached them. "Y/N! Oh my god!" She then removed her jacket and covered her. She flinched again, but was then reassured when she heard the voice of her unnie.

"Y/N, it's okay. You're safe now. I'm here." She shushed the girl, as Y/N looked up and immediately went for the hug of her unnie. Y/N then sobbed in Hari's arms. She slowly stood her up. She let go from the hug. "Y/N" the boys called her softly. She once again backed away when the boys moved closer making them stop dead in their tracks. "Hey it's okay, Mimi. They won't hurt you" Hari comforted her dongsaeng.

The boys went near her again and was now able to hug her. They enveloped her in a group hug as she once again cried. "I'm sorry" is all thar she can say. "Shh, princess it's okay." Jungkook comforted her. "It's okay. You're safe" Jin said. "You're okay now" Jimin and V said. "No one will hurt you" Yoongi said as he once again looked at the unconscious man.

"It's okay, jagi. You're with us now. We're sorry we left you alone" Hobi comforted. "It's okay now sweetheart, we're here now. You're safe. No one will hurt you now." Namjoon hugged the girl tighter after everyone let go. "Pick this man up and make sure he stays in jail for harassing Y/N!" Yoongi spat. Anger and venom evident in his voice.

"Let's go guys." Manager Sejin walked, they walked out of that dark alley. Y/N lost all her strength and fainted. Namjoon caught her in time. "Aigoo, Y/N!" He cursed. "Let's go! Move faster!" Manager Sejin hurried them, the van was already where they are.

The fans then saw their idol rushing towards the van and saw Namjoon carrying an unconscious Y/N from afar. They all suddenly screamed and curious about what happened. "Y/N!" They all yelled.

They went straight to the hospital and have Y/N checked. The news about what happened to Y/N has quickly reached the fans and soon Y/N was trending again. The ARMYs are sending love towards their maknae. All sending empathy and love and support for their female idol. #ProtectY/N has been trending for weeks.


i hope u liked this chapter <33333

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