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"JAGI!" Namjoon yelled across the busy dorm calling out his jagi who is in her room, on her laptop, wearing eyeglasses, and re-editing one of the songs that she has written. She has her headphones in, bobbing her head with the beat of the sound. She doesn't seem to notice her oppa is at her door.

Namjoon then jumped on the girl's bed, catching her attention. "Joonie-hyung? What are you doing here?" As she asked the question two other heads popped at her doorway. J-Hope and Suga smiling sheepishly as they slowly enter the room. She was so confused about why they are smiling at her like that. She moved her headphones at the back of her ears and fixed her eyeglasses.

"Okay. Why're you three looking at me like that?" She asked her eyebrows scrunched, confusion etched in her face. "Well, you see yeobo" Yoongi started. She raised one eyebrow, waiting for them to say what they're gonna say. "Mwo?" She asked. "We have this song that we've written." Hobi started. "And we finished writing it" he added. "So we are here to ask for your help to you know have your thoughts or even re-edit. If you don't mind." Namjoon finishes. "The song you three have written?" They nodded in chorus making them look like kids.

The girl laughed at the sight of the boys. "Okay. Send me the copy then" She said then smiled. They hurriedly went out of her room and went to their rooms to get their laptops and headphones. She decided to go to her studio and edit there.

"Meet me in my studio guys! I'll be waiting for you!" She yelled through the dorm. Everyone seems busy, working out, and practicing for their comeback. She waited for no response, and went out to go to her studio.

She was fixing the set up of the studio then started to fix the song she was editing earlier. Something doesn't seem right with the song, it's like its missing a piece. It requires a little paraphrasing and editing, she can't quite pinpoint what is missing.

She keeps on doing trials on the song but still, something is missing. The three boys who were once in her room knocked in her studio. "Come in" the doors automatically unlocked after she said that.

"Woah. You have some voice recognition?" She heard Yoongi asked. "Yup. I can make a voice recognition for each one of you. So that you don't have to knock." She said facing her computer. "That's cool, sunshine!! So high-techy" Hobi said mesmerized. She laughed as she turned her chair towards the boys. "Okay let's get back to what we are doing" Namjoon said. She then moved towards her bed in the studio, so that they'll have more room together. She brought her laptop with her. They sat next to her.

"Can I listen to the track?" She asked. The three boys then nodded and played the track. She carefully listens to the track. And yet she noticed something was missing as well. She keeps on repeating a certain part of the song and a bright idea has popped in her head.

"The song is wonderful. What is the story behind this?" She asked. "Well it's the story of the connection we have with ARMY and that no matter what happens we'll always have each other. We'll always give support. We're always together, sharing dreams and inspiration." Namjoon spoke being the spokesperson of the three. She thought of the idea she had and realized it could be a good addition as well.

"Hm, you wouldn't mind if I have to add a few things there right?" She asked. "Sure, shine. You can try and experiment on it." Hobi said. She smiled and tries to make the song a little calmer. She did a few edits and adjustments to the song.

"Woah! The song is even more beautiful. It delivers the meaning much more!" Hobi said. She smiled but focused back. "All the important things were easily understood. The song is like an uplifting one." Namjoon said. "The song is made beautiful at last" Yoongi added.

She smiled "the song itself is beautiful. The message and the feelings just need to be more emphasized" she said. The boys nodded in agreement. "Can I change a few things in the song?" She asked they nodded.

Soon she was alone in the studio, currently editing the song her boys had made. She added the lyrics she has made with the song she was trying to edit a while ago. She also changed the tune and beat of the song, changing the mood and the aura of the song.

Jungkook paid a little visit a while ago too, and help her write some parts  especially the chorus part.  She was done, she just needs to add a few more details to the song. It's currently 7:00 pm.

She missed dinner so she can fully finish the song. After 30 minutes she was done. She is sure that the song is already done and ready for release. She just needs the boys to hear it. She knows that she created a masterpiece.

Someone knocked on her studio door. "Come in" she said. The person or the people walked in. "Hey princess, how are you?" Yoongi asked. She turned her chair to find all the boys in her door. She smiled cheerfully but it's obvious that she is tired. "I'm good. You're just in time. I finished the song" she clapped.

The boys smiled. "But jagi, you should eat. You missed dinner." Jin pointed out. "Here I brought you your dinner." She smiled at him. "Thank-" "ah ah ah, I'm gonna feed you. Now come here" Jin cut her off. She went towards the eldest sitting on her bed. V then put his head on the maknae's shoulder as she pats his head.

"You can play the music. So you can listen to it" she said with her mouth full. "Ah, no talking while your mouth is full, baby" Jin said. She swallowed.

The boys played music. And hear her voice singing the song that she recorded awhile ago. She was peacefully eating and munching the food when all of a sudden.

"The song. Wow! It's ours?"
"You made it even better!"
"I'm so touched. This song is just ugh!"
"This song is so meaningful!"
"AAAAA JAGI!! I love this!"
"You created a masterpiece! I can't believe this is ours!"
They all said their opinions about the song which made her blush. "What's the title though?" V asked. "Hm, I actually don't have one. But I added some lyrics from the one I was writing a while ago. It was entitled with Small World, Big Dreams" she said. "How about you guys? Do you have any titles for this one?" She asked pertaining to the three boys who asked for her help.

"Hmm" Hobi thinks of one. "The title you have is pretty good" Namjoon said. Yoongi suddenly typed something in his phones searching for who knows what. "I liked the title you made, jagi but we can make it shorter. Simple yet beautiful and mysterious just like the song." Yoongi said. She just nodded.

"What do you have in mind Hyung?" Jungkook asked his hyung as Yoongi focuses on what he is searching. "I think a good title could be Mikrokosmos? It's exactly what Y/N described. It refers to an epitome of the world or universe. In a way we and the ARMY are like an epitome of the world, full of inspiration, dreams and love" He said. They all nodded. Her eyes sparkled with what her oppa said.

They soon proposed the song to Bang PD-nim and other producers who will bring the song into life. They all loved the song and praised the group for composing such a wonderful song. The boys commended their youngest member for creating such phenomenal music.

A/N: HELLOOO!! Mikrokosmos is actually my favorite song from Map Of The Soul: Persona!!! It's very deep, meaningful.

This chapter is very crappy hehe sorry 🥺 but I hope y'all enjoyed

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