B A C K - H O M E

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MiKook moments in the first part !

I hope you enjoy this chapter !


"Yah Kookie-hyung, shouldn't you be sleeping or something?" she exclaimed towards the male maknae. "Yeah, but I wanna talk to you, jagi" he pouted. She laughed "aish, what time is it there? Isn't it around 2:00 AM?" She asked the boy. He nodded. "Yeah." She widened her eyes.

"Yah! Kookie-hyung! You should sleep!" She said. "Bu-but I wanna be with you" the boy reasoned out. "Oh boo, you should rest." She said. "But, I miss you" he said pouting again. "Aigoo, you're so cute. I miss you and the guys too! I'll be back soon. I promise, but Kookie, you need to rest." She said.

"Hm, fine. Goodnight, princess. Take care there. See you soon!" He finally gave up, she smiled. "See you soon Kookie! Send my regards to the boys as well! Sleep tight!" She said. "I love you, eomma" he uttered. "I love you too Kook!" She smiled before ending the call.

She was in LA to do a collaboration with one of the famous singer there; Shawn Mendes. She was with her Hari-unnie and Manager Sejin since the group is currently on break. Little did the boys know, she finished the recording early and she will be back in Korea earlier than expected.

"Was that Jungkook again?" Her Hari-unnie asked her giggling. "Yeah, this is his 3rd call for today." She said making her unnie and manager laugh.

"Seem as though he really misses you" Manager-nim joked. She playfully rolled her eyes. "Not only him, the other boys keep on calling me too. They simultaneously call me everyday. I received a total of 24 calls from them everyday I've been gone for only 5 days." She exclaimed. 

"Hm, it seems they've grown so fond of you that they can't stand a day without you or talking to you huh" Hari-unnie stated, Manager Sejin nodded.

She sighed "I grew so fond of them too. I miss them so bad" she smiled sadly, suddenly felt a pang of sadness. "Aw, come here gurl. We'll be going back soon. Let's just enjoy this day off for today. We will be back tomorrow." Hari-unnie exclaimed. "Yeah, you're right. I'll treat dinner tonight. Let's hit the sack early. Let's go" she said. The two followed her and the two bodyguards assigned for her.

She treated them in a fine restaurant somewhere around LA, for dinner. They were having the best time for their last day in LA, since they will be going back to Korea the next day.

Once they made it to their room, she quickly finishes her packing before going to bed, not forgetting to do her night routine.


Their flight will be around 12:30 PM, she made sure she got coffee. It will be a 13-hour long flight. She rechecked her luggage and look around the room to make sure she won't leave or miss any valuable things.

Someone knocked on her door. "Come in" she said. "You ready?" Hari asked her. It's currently 10:30 AM and they will be going to the airport early to be sure they won't miss their flight. She nodded.

They were soon at the airport, she, again, treats them in one of the cafe in the airport and of course have her coffee for the day.

She ordered another coffe for take-out that she could drink on the plane. Their flight was soon called. She was beside the window and beside her is her Hari-unnie and Manager Sejin.

After the 13 hour flight, they were finally back in Korea. There are no fans around, because no one is actually expecting her to arrive early. She wouldn't arrive until next week, and it's currently 1:30 in the morning, so it is highly expected no one will be there.

The way from the airport to their dorm was atleast a 30 minute drive. Y/N slept throughout. She was soon awoken by her unnie. "Wake up, bub. Welcome back!" She said, cheerfully. Y/N finally woke up and stepped out of the car.

Manager Sejin helped her with her stuff to carry back at the dorm. Hari went straight back to the room intended for them when situation like this happens.

"Thanks for your help manager-nim" she thanked the man once they reached her bedroom. The man smiled before stepping out of the room.

She went downstairs and cooked breakfast for the boys after arriving so early in the morning. It is currently 3:00 am and she can't sleep due to jet lag. She checked the boys' room and saw they were all peacefully sleeping. She then went to her room after cooking, and unpack a few things before dozing off in the middle of doing so.

She woke up around 7:00 am with the sound of the boys talking loudly downstairs debating on who cooked their breakfast unaware that the maknae has arrived earlier in the morning.

"Aigoo, these boys" she shook her head and laugh as she finish unpacking. She then quietly went out of her room and tries to eavesdrop.

"Who cooked breakfast?" Jin asked. No one answered. "Was someone awake before? And decided to cook breakfast?" The boys continue to throw questions at each other. She pretended that she was woken up by their noise.

She fake yawned and stepped out "aigoo, what's with the noise in here? It's so early" she groaned. The boys answered her still not realizing it. "Someone cooked break-" Jin was cut off. The boys then widely looked at her.

"What?" She asked, knowing what's on their mind. "how" "what" "when" "why" "mwo" "is this real?" They all mumbled. "Uhm duh I'm here. Come on, give your maknae a hug!" She pouted making all the boys quickly jump up and enveloped her in hugs.

"I missed you 7 so much! Gosh!" She exclaimed, joyfully. Finally feeling complete after seeing them again. "I missed you so much eomma!" Jungkook mumbled. "you have no idea!" Hobi whispered to her.

"When did you arrive?" They all ask her as they went back to the kitchen. Namjoon quickly prepared her coffee. "Oh thanks!" She thanked him after putting the cup, he smiled.

"A while ago. Our flight arrived around 1:30 am. I was the one who cooked breakfast!" She confirmed, Jungkook still clinging onto her. "That's why!" Jin said.

"We missed you so much!" Taehyung exclaimed. "We're so glad you are back!" Jimin said his eyes disappeared because he is smiling widely. "This is such a great morning!" Hobi said. "I thought I was dreaming already when I hear my and Hobi's door opened. Was it you?" Yoongi asked. She nodded.

"We missed you so bad!" Namjoon said. "You guys totally do, calling and messaging me every hour. Yeah you do!" She joked making everyone laugh.

They soon talked about her collaboration and watch her as she fangirls that she get to meet other celebrities in LA too. The boys laughed at her cuteness. So happy to finally see their maknae again. They even said they are excited for the release of her collab.


bloop bloop

hope you liked this chapter !!! <3333

shameless plug !!

ig: @_m1kr0kosm0os

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