L E A V E ( 3 )

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Sorry for the late update :((((

Bang PD-nim: Meet me in my office now.

As soon as the boys and Yoona received the message they immediately went to PD-nim's office. A tear stained Y/N and a fuming Yoongi can be seen sitting in front of Bang PD's desk. PD-nim displays an impassive look on his face; making the boys worried, they don't know if he is mad or disappointed. No one knows, but they are aware that it's not good.

"I did not like what I heard a while ago, everyone." PD-nim started keeping the poker face. "When I walked into my office, I immediately saw Y/N. Her telling me, she wants to leave BTS already and it wasn't an impulsive move. She said that Yoona deserves the position more than her." He paused then looked at Y/N then to Yoona.

"Then suddenly, a fuming Yoongi came to me slamming his phone on my desk, telling me to invalidate or void the contract of Yoona here in BigHit" Bang PD pertained to Yoongi who is still mad.

"So tell me what is happening. Can one of you be so kind to elaborate and tell me what is happening? Because I'm seriously not happy with what I've seen and what I'm seeing." Bang PD said looking at his successful co-ed band in disapproval.

Y/N spoke "Me and Yoona had a fight. We got a little too personal and physical which lead to such thoughts, sir" she said. Bang PD looked at her, unconvinced with the answer.

Namjoon spoke this time, "Y/N and Yoona weren't really fond of each other. Every time they see each other. It won't always end well. They will end up hitting and attacking each other, verbally and physically." Namjoon elaborated.

Bang PD looked at the group. "Since when was this happening?" He asked them with furrowed eyebrows. Yoona spoke "since I came to BigHit, sir. Y/N-unnie did not really like me at all. She said some nasty things to me." Yoona fake cried. Yoongi rolled his eyes, Y/N just stared at the ground blankly, having no energy to even talk.

"Yeah, quit acting Yoona! You are caught already!" Yoongi glared. "You want me to like you too? Sorry to say, I don't like fake people who drags and verbally abuse other people, to be more specific, to you." Yoongi smiled sarcastically.

"ENOUGH!" Bang PD roared. "Min Yoongi, what's with your actions?" Bang PD warned Yoongi, the boys looking at him, Y/N suddenly stood up. "No matter what happens, my mind won't change. It's for the benefit of BTS. I'm still leaving. That is final." Y/N spoke, emotionally and physically tired, then walked out of the room tiredly. She went straight to her studio.

The group looked at the door where Y/N was at, Yoona smirked to herself again, thinking her plan was working. "Yoongi." Bang PD called. He gave a cold stare to Yoona and the boys. "The evidence is in my and Y/N's phone on why everything right now is happening. I don't need to explain anything, let Yoona's actions speak for her." He scowled then stood up, giving cold glares to his groupmates.

"And if you will remove Y/N and replace her with Yoona, then I'm sorry to say that you might need to look for another replacement for me as well. I'd rather go solo than be in the same place with this girl all the time." He spat then also left the room. 

Yoona's face drained knowing she is caught and no escape. Yoongi has everything recorded. Y/N got their conversation awhile ago recorded as well.

It was a moment of eerily awkward silence and staring before Bang PD grabbed Y/N and Yoongi's phones. He first opened the boy's phone and saw that Yoongi has a lot of recorded videos in it.

𝐦 𝐢 𝐤 𝐫 𝐨 𝐤 𝐨 𝐬 𝐦 𝐨 𝐬 - BTS 8th Member [ UNDER MAJOR EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now