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A/N: hope yall having a good day!

Y/N woke up early. 6:30 am, which happens rarely, only if they have things planned for the day. But today, there's no line-up of schedule as far as she knows. She quickly did her morning routine and tie her hair up.

She went out and saw that there's no light, which means no one's awake yet. "Hmm, that's weird. Jin hyung should be up by now" she thought. As she continues to ponder where the eldest is, she heard some coughing coming from Namjoon and Jin's shared room.

She knocked once but only had a cough for an answer. She quietly walked into the dark room, having only the curtain slightly opened the source of light. She was expecting it to be neat and tidy, but heck it was such a mess. She looked at the two male peacefully sleeping when suddenly Jin coughed. She went towards his bed and touched his forehead. She instantly felt that Jin is hot. She went out to grab a thermometer. She then put it in his mouth to check his temperature.

The thermometer beeped. She took it out and looked. 37.8 C. Yep their hyung has a fever. She quietly stepped out of the room. She went and check out all the other members and saw they were all peacefully resting. She grabbed her phone from her room and connected it to the Bluetooth speaker to play some mellow songs as she cooks.

She decided to make some mushroom soup for Jin and cooked some bacon and garlic rice for the others. She started boiling some water for coffee as she makes herself one. She was cooking the bacon when suddenly "jagi you're up early" Yoongi, who surprisingly is awake early, told Y/N.

"Hyung, YOU'RE awake early" she emphasized the 'you're' part and chuckled. Yoongi smiled. "Yeah, my body decided not to sleep anymore and wake up early I guess" he said groggily. She laughed quietly. "Need any help there, jagi?" He asked. "Yes please, I'm currently making soup for Jin" she said.

"Speaking of where is Jin-hyung?" The blonde boy asked. "He is sick right now. He is still sleeping in the room." She responded. He just nodded as he stirs the soup. She was cutting some garlic for the rice and it was a moment of comfortable silence.


It was currently 7:30 am, the soup was already cooked. The breakfast is actually served. Yoongi is in the living room probably on his phone, if not probably sleeping. Y/N decided to go wake the boys up. She went and checked Suga first and saw he is sleeping again.

She smiled and went to wake him up "Yoongles, breakfast is ready. Come, help me wake the others" she shook Yoongi up. Immediately Suga got up from the couch and went towards the room of the other boys. "I'll go wake Joonie-hyung up" she said and he just nodded.

She went back to the kitchen to get the soup she prepared for Jin. Once she got it, she went upstairs and passed by the other members who greeted her good morning. She has reached Jin's and Namjoon's shared room. She entered and placed down the soup on the bedside table of the coughing Jin and went towards Namjoon.

"Joonie-hyung. It's time to wake up" she whispered. The boy stirred and groaned. "5 more minutes, eomma" he uttered. "Come on, its time to wake up. Breakfast is ready." Namjoon stirred and opened his eyes. "Hey jagi" He said as he sit up and rubs his eyes. He heard Jin cough several times and looked in his direction and so does Y/N.

"Is Jin-hyung okay?" He asked. Y/N sighed. "He has a fever. I made soup for him. There's more downstairs for you guys. I'll just feed him and make him drink medicine. I'll be with you." She smiled. He nodded and kissed Y/N's forehead. "Okay, jagi. Thank you" he smiled and went to do his morning routine before joining the others.

Y/N decided to clean the room a bit for a refreshing space for her oppa. She then picked up the clothes scattered on the floor and put them in the laundry basket. Tied all the wires, fix Namjoon's bed, and move a few things that were misplaced.

She decided to wake Jin up. "Jin-hyung? It's time to wake up" she said softly waking up sick Jin. He stirred "jagi? Ugh, I don't feel well" he groaned rubbing his temple. "It's okay hyung. I know. Here I made soup and brought your medicine." She said. She helped her oppa sit up from his position and then checked his temperature again. Nothing changed.

"Come I'll feed you, love" she then sits beside Jin almost at the end side of the bed. She then grabbed the soup. She blew the soup and carefully reach the spoon towards Jin's mouth which he gladly accepted. "What soup is this, jagi?" He asked weakly. "Mushroom soup" she smiled. He smiled too "it tastes so good." She smiled again and fed Jin until it was all empty.

"Here drink the medicine so you can rest." she said and handed him medicine for a fever. He drank it with water. She then smiled and tuck him to bed. "Rest well, oppa. Call me when you need something. I'll be with you" she said. Her hyung smiled especially when she called him oppa. "Thanks, jagiya. I love you" he said. "I love you too" she replied and smiled before heading out as Jin went back to sleep.

She went downstairs and saw the boys still in the kitchen. "Hey guys, good morning! Oh, You did not eat yet?" She asked since she saw the clean and empty plates of the boys with the soup, garlic rice, and bacon at the center of the table. They shook their head. "We're waiting for you, eomma" Jungkook said, she smiled as she put the dirty dishes in the sink and went to make her second cup of coffee. "Second cup?" Yoongi teased, she giggled.

"How's Jin-hyung?" Namjoon asked, which made the heads of the boys perk up. She sighed as she sat down. "Well, he still has a high fever but I already made him drink his medicine. He is resting now. I'll check him up later after." She said. Namjoon smiled at her. "Alright, don't exhaust yourself too much, okay shine? So you won't get sick." Hobi said she smiled at him cheerfully.

"Yah, jagi is like our eomma taking care of appa!" V said. "She is our eomma!" Jungkook said. "The eomma of Bangtan. What would we do without you?" Jimin stated. They all laughed at the statement and started eating breakfast.

Like what she has stated, she went up to check Jin after eating. His temperature has finally lowered down but still needs a lot of rest. She went back down and volunteered to do the dishes. "You sure, princess? I can do the dishes this time" Namjoon said. She just nodded. He just sighed knowing there's no use arguing with her. He just helped her clean up the kitchen.

Namjoon went to do something as she wipes the kitchen counter clean. She was suddenly wrapped in a group hug. "Thank you for taking care of him, eomma" they all mumbled. She caressed them all one by one. "Of course. I would do the same for the six of you too" she said as she smiled lovingly at these precious boys she calls her family.

Little did she know Jin was looking at them from the stairs smiling proudly at his family. Before going back to bed and rest well. Soon enough Jin was back with his lively state. 


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