•Raphael 15.

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I tapped my finger on the bottom of my lip, slowly while staring out the window. The weather was clear and calm, summer was beautiful in Italy, a favourite of mine.

I thought of his exposed back, he slept as the sun basked over his skin, causing a slow glow on his heavenly body, the fit he gave me. I would trail my fingers down his spine and kiss eve-

"Raphael?" I blinked and turned in my chair, my hand which had tapped at my lip flew to the table and I looked towards the owner of the voice.


"How do you find this proposal?" I skimmed the projected images.

"I'm afraid my consent is far from necessary. I'll look into it further and present it to my CEO." They nodded, the lady leading stared at me, her brow rising.

She flicked her red dyed hair back and gave her greetings as the meeting ended, her grey eyes fixed on me as I had anticipated. I offered her a small smile while she walked over to me slowly, taking a seat three seats away on the large board room table.

"What is it now?"

"Pardon?" I furrowed my brows.

"I haven't seen you as distracted as you were today since...well, the time you first turned." I gave a sarcastic chuckle and stood buttoning my jacket up.

"Well, I wasn't. I was thinking about the presentation."

"Oh? Then would you say his joke was sufficient? Something about bees." I blinked and pursed my lips, she smirked standing.

"Must you still be curious about my minds occupation?"

"If it proves a problem for business, yes."

I nodded. "Right, business, your sole joy." Her eyes flashed.

"What else could bring a woman such as myself true bliss."

I kept my mouth shut and she narrowed her gaze.

"Focus, Raphael. I'd hate to have to dispose of you. Again."

"You mean attempt to dispose." She smirked.

"If I succeed now, the first won't even be recalled."

Oh,but I would never forget, Seren.

"Always a pleasure." I waved.


I sighed running my hand through my outgrown shaggy black hair and opening my folder of business proposals, particularly the one I just had and felt my shoulders slump as again Travis flickered through my mind.

I wondered how he was, opening my phone, I realised why I was so out of it after all this time. The boy would be 21 today, probably off spending time with his mate. Celebrating their anniversary if they met on his 18th as he had been so sure of once upon a time.

Even after three years, I still thought of him. The reality of it kept me from going back, from seeing him due to the simple fact that I wanted there to be peace between us, I wanted to be able to stand before him with my head held high and give him my congratulations and mean it. To show him that I was just as good without him as I could have been with him.

Leaning back in my chair I checked the time and opened my Skype. Selina smirked at me, the camera moving around as she settled down.

"It's been a minute." She began. "I was beginning to think you forgot about me."

"How could I when you are such a mess of a human being." She laughed brightly, her brown eyes bright and lively which I was glad for.

The girl had become a friend since the time I saved her from vampires and since then I had undoubtedly given myself the task of taking care of the orphaned girl, which was valid because she had an affinity for attracting trouble.

"So, how's Italy?"

"Beautiful." I glanced out my window at the bright daylight. "Almost regret not forcing you to come with."

"Oh, Raphael," she rolled her eyes and opened a bag of chips before my eyes. "The first time I see the world, I want to do it knowing that I can get by alone."

"That actually hurts me feelings because it preludes to the idea that I would leave you behind, stranded with nowhere to go."

"I've been left behind enough to have this fear,okay? It's gonna take a while before I can accept you to be any different." I shook my head tisking at her.

"You'd think, the countless times I've rescued you, proved I was different."

"Growth is hard,man. Sometimes it feels like the scar is healed, and then other days it feels like it ripped open. I can't promise you much."

I smiled knowing she was right and not even really wanting to force her into anything.

"How is he?"

"Ah, yes, the fundamental question. The reason you probably even still call."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be dramatic. I call plenty." She giggled.

"He's good. The other day he got asked out in the school cafeteria by this really really really cute boy who worked part-time as a cashier there. It was absolutely adorable."

I scowled at her then.

"That's too much information." She giggled hiding her face. "I only asked how he is."

"Yes and I told you. Look at you all jealous." I rolled my eyes. "He seems well, so don't worry. I can't really give much details since someone won't let me befriend him."

"He knows you, he'll see right through everything you ask him anyway."

"Whatever. I don't see how that could even be an issue."

"Goodbye, Selina."

"Aw! Come on I need help with homework."

"Again. I'm not Google, in fact, try Google scholar, much smarter." She laughed then and waved anyway.


"Good afternoon." She stuck her tongue out at me and I grinned. It was nice for me, seeing her able to smile, the fact that she still could warmed my heart. She attended the same college as Travis and while she had no business doing it, she gladly kept an eye on him for me, not that she could protect him but just so that I know he still breaths.

I decided to stop dwelling on the thought of him and get some work done. He was well, I felt assured and lighter for knowing, he was in school for accounting and the least I could do was go on with my life seeing as he could too.

While I laid in bed I recalled him again, he was like a never ending plague.

"If you could turn back time...would you have tried harder not to be turned?"

My brows shot up at the question, one I had never even asked myself truth be told. While I had not planned to be turned as nobody ever is, once I got the feeling of euphoria I felt from feeding the strength in my limbs the promise of a long life when life had almost been cut short, I never turned back.

"Truly I cannot say." I ran my fingers over his soft young skin and smiled. "While being vampire has it's disadvantages, it isn't all that bad. I got to see the world change in ways nobody else ever could. It was lonely and there were times I wondered if the adventure of death would prove different once I found the pattern of existence... Turning back time had never been a thought."

"That is new."

I laughed lightly. "My life before was uneventful, pitiful and dark. Coming from a poor home with parents who sold me to slavery... I can't or rather would not like to imagine how that would have turned out had I not caught the plague. I remember." I shifted to a more comfortable angle, looking down at Travis who curious gaze kept me warm. "I was glad to be dying as I'd escape enslavement, and when it finally came I resented having not lived at all."

"That is sad." He reached out and touched my chest, so tenderly I smiled. "I'm glad you regret nothing."

Oh, dearest Travis. I chuckled to myself as I thought, I should have just kidnapped him instead of wooing him.

Written: 15 August 2020

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