•Travis 28.

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Waking up with a headache was never nice, but waking up with the view of Raphael bare chested and relaxed enough for someone to believe he was sleeping made it okay.

I smiled happy that he had started letting me sleepover since we solidified our bond.

He turned then with a soft sigh and I got a look of his mark, the intricate outline of a howling wolf and the red stain of eyes which seemed almost aflamed gave me goosebumps. I leaned closer and kissed the area only to have arms wrapped around me.

"It's too early to tempt me."

"It's never too early to be lovely." I rubbed my face over his neck, sniffing him. I had begun to calling our sex lovely which I think was adorable.

I grabbed my phone then and took a photo of me sniffing him.

"You need to stop with all these photos."

"My scrap book needs material."

"Since when did you get into scrapbooking!?" He turned to give me an incredulous look and I laughed at him creating another folder.

"Since you started complaining about my taking so many photos." He sighed shaking his head.

"It's fine. Go back to sleep." I laughed and cuddled into him and closing my eyes like a good boy.

A few days later school made me want to quit life but then I thought about my mate and I brightened a bit.

I began texting Raphael a series of complaints about my lecturer because they irritated me today with their need to give us so much work, on top of the work that existed. I hated assignments with a passion.

My man was not even taking me seriously with all the laughing emoji's he sent my way and the fact that he was so sure he'd help me when in reality we both knew he'd most likely stare at my work and tell me I'm screwed. I found myself laughing at the prospects when a stranger sat beside me.

"Hello." I blinked a few times before meeting the wide somewhat haunted baby green eyes. The person had really short red dyed hair and piercings on their nose and lips, I saw signs of a hole piercing on their chin.

"Hi." Now talking to strangers has always been something we're told not to do and yet you realise that that advise could be really confusing when you considered the fact that when one grew older all they would do is talk to strangers, for example moving from high school to college, you needed to talk to strangers for your own survival, like finding directions or to accomplish something like registration.

Life could be such a contradiction.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to bother you, but, I was hoping you could help me?" Their voice was so soft and timid, they had a very androgynous look about them and the longer I stared at them, the more familiar they looked. I inhaled and looked around, they were most definitely a caster.

"Uh, sure." I smiled and then my wrist was grabbed. An odd sense of fatigue hit me and when I looked at the stranger, gone was their nervously timid smile, replaced now with a concerned yet somehow blank stare. "Woah," I reached for my head with my free hand, the one they touched tingled and my hand felt somewhat numb, prickling feeling spreading through me and my phone tumbled from that hand and my eyes widened as the feeling spread.

"I'm really sorry about this."

My eyes fluttered and I growled weakly, nausea setting in but the feeling of going numb not allowing me to really do much except fall back into arms of a person I had not sensed.

The whole experience was like being under sleep paralysis, I guess. I was very conscious except my body was not my own, at first it was numb, tingling all over before I fell back due to the lost sense of control in my limbs. Then while my eyes fluttered closed I felt the slip of glasses onto my face. My eyes opened all on their own and suddenly the arms which caught me only served to guide me.

3. Travis Phoebe (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now