•Travis 1.

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"I could show you the time of your life." I reared my head back at him, staring up at his reddish brown eyes, he sent me a smile, fangs flashing.

"I hardly think sexcapades can translate to 'the time of your life' if I'm being honest." I shrugged aiming to walk around him.

"I assure you, hardly anything has to go past where you are comfortable." I chuckled and shook my head.

"That sounds like some BDSM promise." He laughed and his arm wrapped around my shoulder forcing me to stop.

"If you're into it, we can go for it."

I looked up at the stranger and tilted my head inhaling deeply, his scent was mangled with lust, looking down I could spot the slight bulge and feel myself stir. I frowned and shoved his arm off my shoulder.

"This is inappropriate." I huffed folding my arms over my chest. "My sister just disappeared and I'm not even allowed to go after her. Your timing is rather off."

His smirk wavered and he blinked and opened his mouth but I turned before he could say another word.

I thought to Danielle, how she cried herself to sleep for weeks, her mental confusion and her lose of self. I could understand her leaving, I could find a way to deal knowing she had a plan, comforted that she was of sound mind when she left, however it left a dull ache in my chest an obvious hold in my mind and while I wanted to consider the vampires words, his promise, it didn't feel like the right time.

A hiss left me as I rubbed my forehead, I blinked at the chest and looked up to see his eyes more red than brown, he inhaled deeply.

"Let me take your mind off things." He murmured leaning down, he wrapped his arm around my waist and my eyes widened. "Let me distract you from your aching heart," he trailed his finger down my cheek and my breath hitched, his finger down my jaw to my neck, he pressed my pulse and I swallowed.

We were too close, his mildly warm body against my extremely heated one, I could hear a faint hiss of our touch.

"What's your name?"


"Well, Raphael...I'll give you 72 hours, but you aren't allowed to penetrate me." He blinked down at me, curiosity flickered in his gaze and he smirked tilting his head.

"I'll see you in three hours."

Then he was gone, with a flash of black which was the clothing on his back, he disappeared and I stumbled having relied on his hold of me. I looked around myself, the familiar calm of nature whispered into my mind and I sighed, hugging myself and seeking the face of someone familiar, someone who had practically raised me instead of my father.

He stirred his tea silently, starring at the table in the centre, I sat across from him, on one of his plush couches which often felt more like home to me than anywhere else.

"Do you think she will be okay?" My words were hushed and Theodore didn't look towards me, instead he sighed and sipped his tea.

"Times like these I wish I had more insight, even if only to comfort us." I pursed my lips then knowing that he knew just about as much as I.

"Do you think he's watching? That he knows?"

"Always." He met my gaze, offering me a small sad smile and I averted my gaze, tapping the arm rest and drinking my tea.

"I threw it away, you know." I tilted my head a bit. "The necklace he left each of us, when I understood what it could do, I got rid of it."

"Do you regret that?"

3. Travis Phoebe (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now