•Travis 34.

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A week had gone by and I could confidently say I had adjusted. I caught up with the few days I lost of school, not much happened with the pack which was a good thing, I wasn't about to want stress on top of the stress I had about my unborn child.

I was now three weeks into being pregnant and a small significant bump could be felt. It made so me happy. Raphael had moved me into the house during the week, refusing to leave my side and it was adorable and all I could think when I argued about not having earned the place in our home yet, was how I should have gotten myself pregnant earlier.

The room which was once his unused study was empty and painted purple and green for our child's use. While there were two other bedrooms we could have used, we wanted one to be a guestroom and the other would change according to what our angel wanted. It was much bigger without the large table and shelves full of old textbooks and such.

We stood together in the empty aired out room with music playing softly. The music was beautiful, relaxing and the man against me was even better.

He held me gently, his hand on my lower back, his other held my hand, my other hand on his shoulder and my cheek resting on his chest. I smiled as we moved gently around the empty room in our pajamas.

We would be going to the mall to pick out furniture because I hated online shopping due to a few disappointments in the past. I couldn't wait for the final touches.

"Are you hungry?" I smiled my eyes closed as I listened to his heart. His question sounded soft but the tremor in his voice told me how nervous he was.


"Really? I heard your supposed to be hungry... Like, all the time."

I laughed lifting my head to see his eyes wide. He looked so precious, staring at me so curiously and the flicker of worry had me tilting my head.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, are you? Do you need to sit down? Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, did I keep you-"

I kissed my man, cutting off his worried rambling. I smiled against him before I pulled away. Raphael flushed and I tapped his cheek.

"Everything will be fine."

"What if they don't like me?" His hands dropped from mine to my waist and he pulled me away just a bit to look at my miniature showing belly.

"I don't see how they can."

"What if it kills you?" His eyes were so wide and scared that I sighed and pulled myself up to his body, I jumped onto him like the koala I could be. He held me and frowned. "That's dangerous."

"Babe. I'm gonna need you to relax."

"I'm relaxed. So relaxed. It's just another life, that we made. That will be born in less than four months. No pressure."

I grinned then shaking my head and laying it on his chest.

"As long as they're alive and healthy, everything else doesn't matter."

"And it doesn't kill you." I laughed then throwing my head back and pulling away to give him a look.

"Don't think about things like that."

"But they must be heard."

"No. They aren't. This is a shock for both of us and with the scare of nearly having lost them, we should be thankful they are growing and healthy. If I die then that's okay, you have to promise me you will raise them with love and care."


"I won't have this baby grow up like I did." I swallowed then feeling my eyes prickles. "I don't care how devastated you may be, you're not allowed to make them live with, I don't know, Dante or something, okay."

3. Travis Phoebe (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now