•Travis 24.

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The next few weeks were fun for me. I went to school and usually after my classes I'd go to Raphael, he really meant the three day rule which was a bummer but because I respected his wish, I kept to it. I used the days I didn't have class which was Monday and Thursday during the week and then one day of the weekend. I made sure I could be with him for a good 24 hours, if possible.

I did my pack duties, patrolling and taking care of the finances since with me studying accounting I was the packs personal accountant. I played with my niece and Kalika whom I also considered my niece even if there was no blood relation and I considered her family, family so it makes sense..

Luckily their parents had dealt with the fight they had. It had become increasingly obviously that Kalika was not a fan of my niece, Megryn,which was pronounced as Ma-Rin.

Out of the six neighbouring packs only two wouldn't sign the treaty, the other four did so we were satisfied. Theodore assured us that as far as he could see nobody would be attacking us as long as we kept out of their territories. Did not have to tell the pack twice.

Everything was really good, life was so peaceful that really how could anyone not have a reason to smile? Other than classes being a pain I had no complaints especially since my mate and I were good even without sex. We were taking our sweet time.

I wanted a baby but I wasn't about to tell him that just yet.

Regina and I had had dinner in a place out of town. The girl kept asking me about Raphael and our progress that it stopped feeling like a friend who cares or was fangirling about their friends relationship. She hardly said much of anything about herself which really just made it sad but other than that it was alright I guess.

After a while it felt like eyes were on me. I'd be relaxing after class and waiting for my next on in the school library and I could swear someone was behind me just moments before. I'd be heading home and a car would be behind me, too close for comfort and then disappear. In my peace that was the only disturbance I had.

Regina had been pestering me for a while to hang out with her a bit more again and each time she continued to ask about the progress of Raphael and I which didn't sit well with me, perhaps because I didn't really enjoy spreading my business around even with an old friend, it felt like she wanted more detail than she needed.

This time she brought me to a new fancy restaurant for dinner. She was fidgeting a lot and while I managed to stray away from talk of Raphael and I, her constant glances around the place put me on edge.

"Are you expecting someone?"

"What?" Her eyes were wide and she shook her head, laughing nervously. "No,no, sorry, I just..." She looked to her sides as though searching for an answer. "I smell them." My brows rose and I tried not to jump to conclusions. "My mate."

"Oh? Really? Then go!"

"It lingers but...they aren't here anymore."

My shoulders slumped and her cheeks were tinted in such a way that I believed her.

"Damn." I said knowing that even if she were to follow it, there was no way she'd find them with the way it rained outside at the moment. She chuckled and waved her hand.


We looked up at the sound of a woman, very high pitched and nearly motherly, it reminded me of what I would imagine a very cold bitter mother to sound like when calling their child. I saw the eyes of fear personified, they were grey and lacked any trace of warmth and while she stared at me the entire time, I did not know the woman. She blinked and offered a smirk looking towards Gina. The woman had bright red hair which she styled in two French braids.

3. Travis Phoebe (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now