•Travis 38.

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It was a field trip of sorts, all the next generation Phoebe children and their parents would be on their way.

We gather our children in front of the pack house along with anyone who wanted to join. You could imagine my brother's, Claude, Ace and their two kids, Trent, his mate Adriel And their five children(yes, he was dealt a very cruel hand and we revelled in his pack of kids Claude and I). Then Kathryn, Meghan and their bundle of joy Ma-Rin.

There was a lot of us when you think of Scott, Thalleus, Mashal and Thora, their children combined made three. Harkin, Idris, Nickolai and Elias and their parents. You get the picture.

I clapped my hands being that it had been my idea after all to have this little adventure once the children all were old enough, they ranged between the ages of 10-13.

I whistled then and a hawk like kaw-ing came before the sound of wings flapping could be heard. My Griffin Sera flew over us in a circle. Her hybrid children followed behind. While I had had her since I was 17, the beautiful creature had set out her adult life on the destination we would be heading for. She had visited me over the years but ultimately I saw her less and less. I was glad I still had a link with her and could summon her whenever I needed.

She landed, rushing over to me where I laughed as she made it a point to leave me dripping with saliva.

"Gross, I imagine that's what it's like having children." Linus shook his head holding onto Fraden who rolled his eyes at his mate.

I greeted her through the mind, sending calming and joyful greetings. She spread her wings out wide and roared to the sky as her children rounded and came down. They were mixed in with dragon which really the kids wouldn't stop squeal and clapping about.

Knox held onto me then whimpering.

"Daddy, what if they eat us!?"

"Don't worry baby, I've got you. Nobody is eating anyone."

"I sure hope not! You know how awkward it would be to explain to these imm-" Thalleus was slapped across the mouth by Scott who rolled his eyes and sighed.

Each family got onto the back of hybrid Griffin's and Caster's mostly teleported themselves since there were only a total of six Griffin's outside of my Sera.

Raphael held onto me the entire way and I held onto our children. Maeve was having the time of her life on the back of Sera. Knox was whimpering and he threw up of course. My boy is just so adorable.

The island was a patch of green surrounded by the blue of the sea, beautiful and peaceful in every sense of the word. As Sera descended she broke through an invisible barrier we all felt as it tugged on our stomachs and we laughed. Knox called us evil for enjoying this.

Before we landed we could already see them, some blowing fire into the air others taken flight and descending or ascending. They were bigger than I had recalled and absolutely friendly. I hope.

"Dad! Look at that one!" Maeve pointed to a pitch black dragon which roared at us from the distance, screeching and obviously not happy.

"Let's give that one distance,yeah?"

I lead them to the rest of the group. Theodore's clapped his hands then..

"My dear sweet grandbabies, welcome to the isle of the lost!" Theodore had dubbed himself the grandfather of all our children, even his friends children, he loved them calling him grandfather instead of uncle. While his friends, Linus, Gabriel and Alexander looked my age, he was by appearance the eldest looking, but not elderly enough to be called grandpa but he loved it so what can I say?

3. Travis Phoebe (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now