•Travis 11.

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"I don't want to resent him, but sometimes it's hard. I don't even really remember him holding me."

"Does that make you mad?"

I paused staring at the wall, my cheek on his chest and my brows furrowed as I thought it over.

"It made me feel lonely." I murmured at last. "Makes me wonder sometimes what if... What if he were a regular caster, just powerful enough to stay with us, how would things be."

"Seems you're filled with more regret about it than he."

My eyes fluttered and I shifted, laying my chin on his chest, I stared at him, he drew circles into my arm, lazily, content to a point where even I for a moment forgot myself.

"My little brother left home with his mate before even he could recognise that they were... He didn't even say goodbye. My sister went semi insane and she's also gone, somewhere I can't even say because I really have no clue. He broke the family apart with one act and I can't help it... I can't help regretting being born of him."

"The faults of the father felt by the son."

"It's a mess." He ran his hand through my hair then and I gazed up into his lovely eyes. He touched my chin and urged me forward. Our lips meet for a kiss, soft and delicate.

"And that's alright. Your pain makes you an even better version of yourself."

My lip twitched at that. I had never been so open and honest with someone before. The vulnerability I felt in that moment was the deepest I'd ever gone. There were things I kept to myself, feelings and thoughts I locked away that sometimes even I forgot they existed and yet here I was. Naked with a vampire and baring my soul to him after sex. Even uncle Theo didn't get to see or hear what I truly had to say about my family and while others felt Xavier felt it the most, we all felt it the same, we just found ways to deal that were less dramatic.

We kissed and he pushed my shoulder, rolling me onto my back and I relished in his flesh, loving our contact. He stared into my eyes as he entered me, my mouth falling open in the process as I groaned. My fingers dug into the sheets beneath me, my eyes closing and my lips twitching.

"Impeccable." Raphael murmured over me, his hips thrusting into me slowly and precisely.

"Oh," I whined wrapping my legs around him and forcing him closer, I grabbed onto one of his ass cheeks and caught the smile he held before he bit his lip groaning before his brows furrowed as he too lost himself in the feeling of us joined so deeply.

When he came, he arched his back, head thrown back and all I could think was how he truly was the work of a greater power. I felt the pinch on my nipple as I explored between us, panting and gapping from the strength of it.

"You outdo yourself...everytime."

Raphael panted, his body collapsing onto mine, his cock pulsing within me, I hoped against all odds I wouldn't get pregnant.

"If I get pregnant we will have a problem."

"Fingers crossed." His wide beaming smile told me he was not agreeing with me. I rolled my eyes laughing and yawned.

Raphael inhaled deeply, running his face over my neck to my cheek while my eyes closed and I welcomed the pull of sleep.

The counter stood between us and our laughter echoed.

"Listen! Listen!" I held my hands up across the table to stop him from any sudden movements. His eyes fixed on me the way a predator would on their next meal and the bubble of laughter in my voice could not leave me.

"I'm all ears."

"Chasing me doesn't bring us any closer to the conclusion we need."

Raphael gave a grunt, stepping to the side in the threat of his approach and I laughed screaming him not to move.

"No! Listen, I'm serious. We can't watch that movie!"

"You disrespect my man's, you must pay!"

"Look, I have nothing against your little friend alright-"

"You called him an old man."

"He is though!" Raphael approached and I squealed running in the opposite direction. "I'm 17! A 45 year old is old in my books."

"What does that say about your opinion of me then?"

"You're a vampire and you're old!"

"Take it back!" I laughed holding my chest and not wanting to he caught by him.


I bolted for his back yard and he chased me. I screamed in laughter as I looked behind me. He was enjoying it as he didn't seem to want to attempt even using his obvious vampire speed. I stumbled then when I thought too soon, turning his arms wrapped around my waist, he held me up, swinging me around and our laughter mingled.


He rolled down then with me tightly in his arms, I was on my back, trying to push him off half heartedly then and he pinned my arms to my head. His gaze bright and warm, I laughed, beaming up at his smirking face which leaned down.

"Could an oldie do this?"

"I'm pretty sure in their youth they got away with it!" He laughed, leaning down he rubbed his nose with mine and down my cheek to my neck. He gently laid a kiss at the base of my neck.

"Either way, mine."

My breathe caught and I smiled up at him before his hands skimmed over my arms slowly and I screamed at the tickles he inflicted on me then and there.

My eyes snapped open, they burned and blurred and I shook my head, palming my eyes, I sat up and looked to my side. Raphael slept soundlessly and I swung my legs over the bed.

My dream held the hope and joy I had tried so hard to ignore the past weekend. It was influenced by everything I felt during my time here with him and I cursed myself for falling asleep thinking about how good it was to be here, with him. I shook my head nakedly walking through the dark house and heading to get myself a glass of water.

I sighed leaning against the counter and frowning. Why did I have to dream such a beautiful possibility? Why did my heart have to ache so much for it too?

"Great going Travis."

"You're awake because?" I looked up to see Raphael stroll in naked, rubbing his eye, his messy bed hair and sleepy gaze was so adorable. I didn't even know vampires could get a sleepy gaze. He rounded the counter and yawned wrapping his arms around my shoulders, kissing the side of my head my eyes closed on their own and I silently cursed him for being this way, for making so easy to see myself with him.

"Yeah.. I-ah..had a bad dream."

"Wanna talk about it?"

I turned to him then and grabbed his cock, he hissed.

"I think not."

He smirked, grabbing my ass and hoisting me up and taking me to heaven yet again.

Written:15 August 2020

Even though Travis's says his father is to blame, doesn't mean it's fact, just his opinion. And it breaks my heart.

I know it's not the 8th and this book has like 40 parts, I thought, let's just get ahead and I wanted to distract myself from real life.😭

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