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I groaned as I sat up in bed, not at all ready for the day. The other sides and I recorded a video yesterday, which left me exhausted.

There was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I sighed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Patton opened the door, plate in hand, "hey kiddo, I brought you some breakfast! I knew you were probably tired from yesterday, so we also let you sleep in."

I smiled, "thank you kindly Patton. It was much appreciated."

Patton laughed, "alright kiddo, I'll leave you alone now."

"Don't forget to take some time for yourself." I smirked, taking a bite of Patton's Mindscape-famous Pattoncakes.

Patton laughed as he closed my door. As I ate, I went through everything I needed to do today.

First I had to compliment Roman on his acting. Even though he knew it was all scripted, it still gets to him sometimes.

Then I had to apologise to Logan for yanking him so hard with my staff. He said he wasn't bothered, but obviously I could tell he was lying.

Then the rest of the day I just have to make sure Thomas is taking care of himself.

I smiled. Should be an easy day. I stood up a stretched, moving to my mirror. It was almost time for me to shed, so I had to make sure my scales were in pristine condition.

I picked up my now empty plate, opening my door to a wave of cool air. I marched out to the kitchen.

"I'm just saying that deodorant isn't that bad for you!"

"It's literal poison! I-!"

I walked into the room to see Virgil, facedown on the table with Remus sitting next to him.

"Hey J-anus!" Remus grinned as I put my plate in the sink.

I grimaced, "don't call me that."

Virgil sighed and lifted his head, "so how'd the video go?"

I shrugged, "it went well. It was quite... Fun... Not being the bad guy."

Virgil smiled softly, "I know that feeling."

"But today is for relaxation and rest." I said, walking off to find Roman and Logan.

"But what about-!"

I cut Virgil off, "relaxation and rest!"

Virgil huffed, "fine."

"You'll be fine dark and gloomy." Remus laughed as I went to Roman's room.

I was about to knock on Roman's door when I noticed a note taped to it. It read:

Off to the Imagination today. Be back by dinner.


I shrugged. I could always talk to him after he gets back. So I moved on to Logan's room.

I knocked on the logical traits door. A few moments later Logan opened the door.

"Ah, Janus." Logan gave a small smile, holding the third Harry Potter book, "what brings you here this morning?"

"Good morning Logan, I wanted to apologize for being so rough while filming yesterday." I said, adjusting my pajama shirt.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I am fine." Logan smiled.

"Alright. Well I just wanted to make sure." I nodded, awkwardly walking away.

"Thank you." Logan called after me, "I really do appreciate it."

I smiled and nodded to him. Then I went back to my room to get dressed for the day.

I had just placed my hat on my head when someone knocked on my door.

"Yes?" I asked, opening my door.

To my surprise, there was no one there.

I sighed, "Remus, I swear to god if this is another one of your pranks!"

I was met with silence. Rolling my eyes, I teleported outside to the Imagination. I was not getting trapped in Remus' pranks today. Maybe I should visit the Dragon-Witch.

I sighed, walking down the path to the Mindscape village. It was a nice day. Not too hot, sunny. Some would say the perfect day.

I arrived at the village around noon and decided to visit the coffee shop.

"Hey girl." The barista, Remy, waved as I entered.

"Afternoon." I smiled.

"So what brings you here? You're the second trait I've seen today." Remy commented.

I sat at the bar, "we finished filming yesterday. Roman most likely needed to vent. I'm just taking the day easy."

Remy rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses, "wouldn't expect any less from self-preservation."

I chuckled.

"So what do you want today?" Remy asked.

I shrugged, "how about a butterbeer?"

Remy laughed, turning around to get the ingredients, "feeling in a fandom mood today?"

I smirked, "Let's go with that."

"You got it babes." Remy smiled, pushing the drink towards me.

"Thank you." I placed a few coins on the counter.

"No, thank you." Remy said, taking the coins.

I nodded to him as I continued my walk around the village. Eventually it started getting dark, so I made my way home.

I turned a corner and was met with the sharp end of a sword.

"Gah!" I screamed, falling back.

"Janus!" Roman exclaimed, lowering his sword, "oh my gods, I'm so sorry!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." I sighed as Roman helped me up.

"Still, I'm sorry." Roman sighed.

I shook my head, "don't be. You deserve a break after the video. After all, even heros deserve rest."

Roman smirked lightly, "Come on, let's get home before Patton worries."

I nodded. We started walking back to the Mind Palace together. I'll admit that I felt safer having Roman there. The Imagination wasn't a haven, there were monsters lurking in the dark corners.

"There you two are!" Patton giggled as Roman and I walked into the Mind Palace.

Roman smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head, "Sorry Padre, I kinda got caught up in the Imagination."

"Okay." Patton laughed, "well, dinners ready so you can come down to the kitchen once you've cleaned up!"

"Alright." Roman smiled.

"Jan?" Patton asked as Roman went to the bathroom, "are you gonna join us?"

I shrugged and smiled, "why not."

Patton giggled, "Great! I'll see you there!"

I nodded, going back to my room to freshen up. Then I went to dinner with the others. Turned out Patton made pasta. It was delicious, despite Remus' comments.

Eventually, it was time for bed. I sighed as I layed down in my warm bed, the humidity of my room relaxing after spending so much time out of it.

Just as I was about to drift off, a butterfly flew out my window.

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