Janus, loop 8

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This morning I woke up early as possible. I wrote a note to Patton, telling him I was hanging out with Roman today. Then I got dressed and rushed to Romans room.

If I had something to solve, then maybe it was Roman and Patton's relationship.

"Janus!?" Roman opened his door right as I was about to knock, "you're up early?"

"Yes! I need your help with something!" I smiled.

"Um, I was just going to the Imagination, but-"

"That's fine!" I yelled, "let's go!"

I teleported us to the Imagination, "so where are you headed to?"

"Are you feeling alright Janus?" Roman turned to me.

I paused, "yep! But I know you're feeling a little disheartened after the video because you think your crush doesn't like you."

Romans face went red, "Wha- I- No-!"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm here to help you get a date with Patton."

Roman sighed, "and how are you going to do that?"

"We're going to Remy's shop and he's going to set up the shop very romantically with your help, then you'll text me and I'll bring Patton down and boom! You got yourself a date!" I explained.

Roman shrugged, "eh, couldn't we set this up for tomo-"

"NO!" I yelled, making Roman flinch, "I mean, no. Patton is busy tomorrow, but he's free today. And moping around talking to the Dragon-Witch isn't going to help your mood."

"How did you know-" Roman asked.

"Unimportant." I smiled, "come on now, let's get to Remy."

"OkAY!" Roman said as I dragged him down the path to the village.

I was slightly out of breath by the time we arrived. Roman seemed fine, but I'm not threatened at all.

"Hey babes." Remy smiled as we walked in, "what can I do for you two?"

"Roman needs help setting up a date with Patton." I pushed Roman towards the counter.

"Oh!" Remy sat up straight, "well then let's get started! I have some candles in the back!"

"Candles!?" Roman gasped, following Remy back, "do you have any flowers!?"

"No, but the florist is right across the street!" Remy smiled.

I sighed and teleported back to the Mind Palace.

"Oh! There you are kiddo!" Patton laughed, "I didn't know when you were gonna be back, so I saved you some Pattoncakes."

I smiled at him, "thank you Patton. I'll admit I rushed off without breakfast today."

"Well that's not very self serving of you." Patton chuckled, "hope you're not going through your rebellious phase."

I laughed as Patton handed me the food, "oh Patton, your jokes always crack me up."

Patton smiled, "thanks kiddo. I think I'll check up on Logan, an dmaybe hang out with Virge and Remus today."

"Actually Patton, Roman wanted me to ask if you would like to go on a date with him?" I smirked as Patton's face went red.

"W-well I-, um, I mean, I don't have anything to wear-" Patton stumbled over his words, fidgeting with his hoodie sleeves.

"Don't worry, we can raid Romans closet." I waved my hand.

"No!" Patton gasped.

"I'm just saying you'll be wearing his clothes soon anyway." I rolled my eyes.

Patton sighed, "how about you help me shop around in the village instead?"

I hummed, "yes, then we can 'borrow' some things."

"Janus." Patton said in his dad voice, crossing his arms.

I threw my arms up, "fine! No shoplifting!"

I sighed as Patton chuckled. I finished my breakfast and stood up to put my plate in the sink.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked.

Patton nodded. We teleported out to the Imagination and started our walk.

"So Roman really likes me back?" Patton asked, a small smile on his face.

I smiled, "yes. I don't want to ruin the surprise, but he's working on something romantic on the other side of the village."

Patton blushed and giggled. I rolled my eyes as we approached the store.

"Greetings!" A character who looked like Roman said as we walked in.

"Hi Prince Guy!" Patton waved.

"How can I assist you two today?" Prince smiled.

"He's going on a date with Roman today." I smirked.

Prince gasped, "a date! Oh I have the perfect outfits! Come on!"

Price grabbed Patton's hand and started dragging him around the store. After about an hour, they settled on an outfit.

A grey shirt with four blue rainbows on it, blue shorts with strawberries and stars, and a blue skirt over it. And it was topped off with pastel blue sneakers.

"You... Look... AMAZING!" Prince gasped.

Patton giggled, "really?"

I nodded, "you look undeniably adorable."

"Roman is going to love it!" Prince sighed.

Patton blushed. I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, Roman has Remy's Cafe ready." I smiled.

"Then let's go!" Patton giggled, handing a few coins over to Prince.

Patton got a lot of looks and complements as we walked to the coffee shop. It was almost noon now and the day was as perfect as always.

"Patton!" Roman smiled, running up to us.

Patton giggled, "hey Ro!"

"You look adorable." Roman sighed, a dopey smile on his face.

Patton blushed, "thanks."

"Will you accompany me on a date?" Roman asked, taking Patton's hands.

Patton nodded, "of course!"

I sighed as the two ran off. Finally I'll be out of this time loop!

"Well my work here is done." I smiled, teleporting myself back to the Mind Palace.

I walked down the hall, heading towards my room when I turned a corner and was straight into someone.

"Oh! My apologies, I was watching where I was going." Logan said, offering me a hand.

"It's fine." I took his hand, letting him help me up.

"I haven't seen you at all today, how are you?" Logan asked, starting to pick up the books he dropped.

I shrugged, "I've been helping Roman set up a date with Patton."

Logan chuckled, "why's that?"

"Cause I'm stuck in a time loop and last time you told me that getting the together could be the solution to getting me out." I sighed.

Logan blinked, "fascinating! How many times have you looped?"

"Eight." I told him, "and I'm already sick of it."

Logan hummed, "well, I wish you the best in getting out of this loop. If this doesn't work, perhaps you should find a way to record what you've done."

I nodded, "that's... That's a really good idea. Thank you Logan."

"No problem." Logan smiled, "now I have to go take these books back."

I nodded to him. He walked off, leaving me alone in the hallway. I hope Logan was right...

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