Janus, loop 10

973 94 93

(I'm getting on a flight in 3 hours, so here)

T.W.: alcohol

I sighed as I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I sighed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Patton opened the door, plate in hand, "hey kiddo, I brought you some breakfast! I knew you were probably tired from yesterday, so we also let you sleep in."

I felt my heart drop, "oh... Thank you Patton."

Patton paused, "is something wrong kiddo?"

I shook my head, "it's nothing. I just woke up is all."

"Okay..." Patton gave me a look, "I'll leave you alone now kiddo."

I nodded as Patton set the Pattoncakes down and left my room. I had tried everything at this point. Nothing was getting me out of this time loop!

"Fuck it." I groaned, standing up and going to the kitchen.

"I'm just saying that deodorant isn't that bad for you!"

"It's literal poison! I-!"

I ignored Remus and Virgil as I searched for some wine.

"Hey J-anus!" Remus grinned as I put my plate in the sink.

"Hello Ratmus." I snarked back.

"Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed." Virgil smirked.

"Well someone else got up in Remus' bed." I said, finding the wine, "if you know what I mean."

Virgil went dark red as Remus laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm going on a walk."

"With wine?" Remus asked.

I nodded and walked out the door to the Imagination, "and if this doesn't get me drunk enough, I'm buying some vodka."

I closed the door behind me, pulling out the wine cork and taking a swig straight from the bottle. Then I started walking a random direction.

I drank as I walked, and was soon stumbling over my feet, the bottle half gone. The sun was high in the sky by the time I stumbled into the village, somewhere by the library. I don't know, I was completely drunk by then.

"Janus?" I heard someone say.

I looked up and saw Logan exiting the library.

"Logan!" I smiled, stumbling into his arms.

"Jan- are you drunk!?" Logan yelled.

I scoffed, "whaat? Noo! I only drank, like, h-half the bottle."

Logan sighed sharply and took the bottle out of my hands. I whined, reaching for the rest of my wine.

"No. No more wine for you. You're going back to the Mind Palace." Logan scolded.

"Bud-I want my wine!" I pouted.

"You run the risk of alcohol poisoning if you drink any more." Logan explained, leading me back home, "which could be fatal."

I sighed, "maybe if I die I'll get out of this fucking time loop."

"What are you talking about?" Logan asked, looking at me quizzically.

"I've tried everything! I got Patton and Roman together! Remus and Virgil are already dating! There's nothing to fix and in stuck repeating today over and over again!" I yelled, tears rolling down my face, "I've just given up..."

"Janus." Logan stopped and tilted my head up, "if there's anyone who can find a way out, it has to be you. You can't risk your health or your life. Understand."

I nodded, not sure if my blushing was from the alcohol or the close proximity.

Logan smiled, "good. Now let's get you home so you can rest. And maybe get some food."

"Oh yeah, I haven't eaten anything today." I giggled.

Logan sighed heavily, "I hope I don't have to take you to the hospital for alcohol poisoning."

I hummed, leaning on Logan as I got more and more sleepy. Logan tried to wake me up more, but I was just too tired. Eventually, I felt Logan pick me up and start carrying me piggy back style.

I nuzzled into his neck. Logan was warm and smelled like ink and parchment.

"Woah, what happened to him?"

I lifted my dad to see Roman standing in the pathway.

I smiled, "heey Ro!"

"Janus decided it would be a good idea to try and drink an entire bottle of wine." Logan sighed

"I on'ly-!" I hiccuped, "on'ly drank half!"

"H-half a bottle!?" Roman took a step back.

I nodded, letting my head fall back into Logan's shoulder.

Roman sighed, "get him to bed. He's gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow."

"I'm getting him food first, he hasn't eaten anything today." Logan said.

"Seriously?" Roman sounded surprised, "what happened to our self preservation?"

"I don't know. If makes me worried." Logan sighed, "I need to get him back now."

"I'll text Patton so he can start something for Jan." Roman told him.

Logan nodded and started walking back. It was soon after that I fell asleep, too tired to remember anything else from this loop.

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