Janus, loop 9

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I woke up to a knock at my door.

"Come in." I groaned, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Patton opened the door, plate in hand, "hey kiddo, I brought you some breakfast! I knew you were probably tired from yesterday, so we also let you sleep in."

"Um, thank you." I smiled, taking the plate of Pattoncakes and trying not to focus on the growing pit in my stomach, "how was your date with Roman?"

Patton blushed and laughed, "w-what are you talking about kiddo? I mean, I would love to go on a date with Ro, but I don't think he likes me like that."

"I... Um, m-must have been a dream then." I gave him a weak smile.

"Okay kiddo." Patton chuckled, "just take it easy for today."

I nodded as Patton left my room. I suddenly didn't feel hungry. That wasn't the solution.

I walked out of my room to Logan's room.

"Ah, Janus." Logan gave a small smile, holding the third Harry Potter book, "what brings you here this morning?"

"I'm stuck in a time loop, two loops ago you said I might get out if I got Patton and Roman together, so I did, but I'm still stuck in this loop, it's day nine, and now I don't know what to do!" I rushed out.

Logan blinked, "um, well then. If you've already tried Patton and Roman, then perhaps they're not the couple that needs to be together?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Logan smirked, "Remus and Virgil seem pretty close."

"Oh..." I nodded, "oh! Oh thank you Logan!"

Logan smiled and adjusted his tie, "no problem Janus."

I smiled at him before rushing off to the kitchen.

"I'm just saying that deodorant isn't that bad for you!"

"It's literal poison! I-!"

"Hello both of you!" I smiled as I sat down next to Virgil.

"Um, hi?" Virgil gave me a strange look.

"Hey J-anus!" Remus grinned.

I sighed. This was going to be... Interesting.

"So, just between us dark sides-" I saw Virgil roll his eyes, "-do you have crush on anyone?"

"Only my boyfriend." Remus smiled.

"Wait what?" I said.

"Remus and I are together." Virgil blushed as Remus pulled him into a hug.

"I- bu- when?" I asked.

"Tomorrow is one year." Remus laughed.

"Congratulations!" I smiled, "I'm happy for both of you! But, why keep it a secret?"

Virgil shrugged, "I didn't want everyone to know, you know?"

Remus kissed the side of Virgil's head, "he was anxious that everyone was gonna judge us."

"Oh Virgil, you know everyone is going to be supportive of you." I said.

Virgil groaned, "I know but-!"

He sighed, "I don't know. Maybe I should tell everyone now."

I nodded, "I'll summon everyone."

Virgil nodded, "okay."

I waved my hand and summoned the rest of the sides.

"What's the emergency!?" Roman yelled as he popped up.

"Is something wrong Janus?" Logan asked.

"Who needs cookies!?" Patton gasped.

"Actually, this is about Remus and Virgil." I told them, stepping to the side.

"Oh?" Patton tilted his head, "what's wrong kiddos?"

"I-I- um-" Virgil stammered.

"Virgil and I are dating!" Remus yelled.

"What!?" Roman gasped.

Patton smiled brightly, "oh congratulations kiddos!"

"It is indeed pleasant to know that you two are together." Logan smiled.

"How did you get a boyfriend before me!?" Roman pouted.

Remus shrugged, "I asked him! Maybe you should ask Patton."

I snorted and Virgil let out a laugh. Roman and Patton both went bright red.

Logan sighed, "I swear you two are the only ones who didn't know you liked each other."

"Oh hush, sub-astute teacher." Roman huffed.

Patton giggled and kissed Romans cheek, "maybe we could go on a date later?"

Roman froze, his face going even more red, "i- um- y-yeah- yes!"

"I heard Remy's coffee shop is a good place for a date." I smirked.

"Well, if that is all, I have some books I need to return to the library." Logan said, walking back to his room.

Logan paused to whisper, "I hope this solution helps you out of your time loop."

I nodded to him, "I hope so too."

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