Janus, loop ???

959 90 40

T.W.: hospital

I don't know how many loops I had gone through at this point. Everything blurred together. I stopped eating, stopped sleeping except when time reversed again. I had gone through multiple sheds, but I hadn't been taking care of it properly.

Everything was the same. Wake up. Patton gives me Pattoncakes. I'm alone. Roman checks on me. I fall asleep.

I've given up.

There was a knock.

Patton opened the door, plate in hand, "hey kiddo, I-!"

I heard Patton scream and the plate smash to the ground as Patton ran over to me. I didn't have the strength to even talk, let alone move as he pulled me into a hug.

"Janus!" Patton cried, "oh what happened to you!? LOGAN!"

"Hang in there Jan!" Patton sobbed.

"I'm here!" Logan ran in, "what happened?"

"I-I don't know!" Patton sniffed, "I just found him like this! He's not moving or taking-! I'm scared!"

"I know, let's get him out to the commons." Logan said, picking me up easily.

Logan carried me out to the commons, laying me on the couch.

"Holy shit..." I heard Remus mumble.

"What happened to him!?" Virgil yelled.

"He's extremely malnourished and dehydrated." Logan said, examining the my face, "and it seems something's wrong with his shedding."

"Let me see." Remus pushed past, unusually serious.

"What's wrong?" Virgil asked.

"Stuck shed." Remus sighed, "gets some damp towels."

"No, we need to take him to the hospital!" Logan yelled.

"We need to get this stuck shed off him before he gets scale rot! If he doesn't have it already!" Remus shot back.

"Lo, let him help. He knows what he's doing." Patton placed a hand on Logan's arm.

Logan sighed reluctantly, "fine. Hurry up."

Remus nodded, rushing over to where Virgil was holding a damp towel to my face. Carefully, they started peeling the stuck shed off my scales.

"Shit! He's bleeding!" Virgil yelled.

"Damn scale rot!" Remus cursed.

"What's happening!?" Logan yelled.

"It's fine!" Virgil told him, "just get him some water. He has scales on his back and chest and who knows what condition they're in."

Remus came into my vision, "okay Jannie, we're gonna sit you up and Logan has some water for you."

I couldn't respond as Remus pushed me upright. Logan appeared in front of me, holding a glass of water to my lips.

I closed my eyes as I sipped the cold liquid.

"Okay. Hospital time. He looks like a skeleton..." Virgil sighed.

I groaned as Logan took the water away.

"It's okay Jan." I felt a kiss on my forehead.

I felt myself get picked up again. This time I noticed my shirt was gone.

"Romans gonna meet us there." Patton said.

I felt myself being teleported. It was weird, having no feeling of control. I heard more people talking and I was layed down on a bed. I opened my eyes, looking around at my surroundings.

There were doctors all around me, hooking me up to wires and tubes. After a while I stopped being so light headed. Then everyone else came in.

"Janus!" Patton sobbed, throwing his arms around me.

"Patt?" My voice creaked with dehydration.

"Janus." Logan sighed in relief, "thank God you're okay."

"Lo?" I whispered.

"I'm here Jan." Logan smiled, taking my hand.

"Holy shit Janus you scared us!" Virgil yelled, dragging Remus behind him.

"Yeah!" Remus huffed, "what the hell happened?"

Wait!" Roman ran into the room, "I'm here! How's Janus!? What happened!?"

"Calm down Ro, he's okay." Patton hugged the fanciful trait.

"So what did happen Janus?" Logan asked.

I gripped the sheets, "I'm stuck in a time loop."

"Wha-? How?" Roman asked.

I shrugged. Logan squeezed my hand gently.

"I don't know how many times time has reset." I rasped.

"Hold on kiddo, let me get you some water." Patton said, handing me a paper cup.

"Thanks." I whispered after I had a few sips, "I've done some horrible things to try and get out of this loop."

"Like what?" Virgil asked.

"I tried- I tried to kill myself." I sobbed.

"Jannie..." Remus whispered, tears in his eyes.

"Hey kiddo, no crying. You're dehydrated enough." Patton started wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"It's okay Janus." Logan told me, "you're here and that's all that matters."

I nodded.

"Janus, we're always going to be here for you." Roman said.

Virgil nodded, "for once I agree with Sir-Sing-a-lot."

Remus pouted at Virgil, "hey! You never give me any cute nicknames!"

I let out a chuckle, which turned into a hacking cough.

"Woah! Calm down kiddo!" Patton said, starting to panic, "do you need more water!? Should I call the doctor!? I-!"

"Patton," Logan placed a hand on his arm, "he's fine."

I smiled softly, "thank you. All of you. Even if you won't remember it when time resets."

"We'd do anything for you Jannie!" Remus laughed, "time loop bullshit or not!"

"Yeah, what he said." Virgil smirked.

"I'll help you defeat any monsters you may encounter!" Roman smiled brightly.

"Its time for us to help you." Logan said.

Patton nodded, "now get some sleep. You'll need it."

I nodded, laying my head back. But just before I fell asleep, I thought I saw a little butterfly flutter through the window.

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