Janus, loop 12

960 88 80

T.W.: death, blood, stabbing

I woke up to an unsurprising knock at my door.

"Come in." I sighed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Patton opened the door, plate in hand, "hey kiddo, I brought you some breakfast! I knew you were probably tired from yesterday, so we also let you sleep in."

"Thank you." I yawned, taking the plate.

Patton laughed, "alright, I'll leave you alone now kiddo."

I nodded to him as he left my room. I ate fairly quickly, wanting to plan with Roman early today so I could ask Logan out in the evening.

I'll admit that I have a small crush on the logical trait. But the possibility of him liking me back is infini- very slim.

I got dressed after I finished eating. Then I teleported to the Imagination.

I started my trek to the Dragon-Witch's lair, a good hours walk away. The day was as perfect as ever. Warm sun, shaded trees. Just a slight breeze drifting through the branches. But to me it was almost sickening.

Soon I arrived at the Dragon-Witch's lair.

"He's just so adorable! I wish he liked me back." I heard Roman cry.

"There there, I'm sure he likes you back." The Dragon-Witch said, "I mean, who wouldn't? You're a prince!"

I sighed, walking into the cave, "Roman!"

Roman jumped up, dusting himself off, "Y-yes? What is it Janus?"

"I need help." I said, "feelings-y help."

Roman smiled, summoning two swords, "well in my experience, there's no better way to work through feelings than a good sparring match!"

"W-what!?" I yelled, catching one of the swords.

"Fight me! Let out all those pent up feelings!" Roman said, getting into fencing position.

"I really think you misunderstood mE!" I yelled as I dodged an attack.

Roman laughed, "come on! Let out all that pent up anger and frustration!"

"I- what!?" I sighed, "I'm here for relationship advance!? Are you okay!?"

Roman froze, his eyes going wide, "oh shit."

"Yeah!" I panted as the Dragon-Witch laughed.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were here for something else." Roman admitted.

I sighed, "whatever, it's fine."

"So... Who is it?" Roman asked, sitting down by DW again.

"Logan." I told him, "I have to make him fall in love with me within the day."

"What's the rush?" Roman chuckled.

"I'm stuck in a time loop and the only way to get out is to make Logan fall in love with me." I sighed.

Roman burst out laughing, "oh that's rich! No really, what's the real reason!?"

I glared at him, "you know what? Maybe I'll just go."

I stood up and started walking out of the lair. But just as I turned a corner, I ran right into Logan, almost stabbing him with the sword I still held.

"Oh Janus!" Logan said, "so you must be the reason Roman was yelling."

"Janus wait!" Roman ran over, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I growled.

Logan looked between the two of us, "what happened?"

"Nothing." I spat, "I was just leaving."

I was about to start walking away, when DW ran out.

"Run!" She cried, "Nightmares are coming!"

Romans eyes went wide, "oh no, the village!"

Roman sprinted off, "both of you get back to the Mind Palace! Now!"

"Come on!" Logan grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards home.

"Why can't we just teleport?" I asked as we ran.

"The nightmares block it." Logan explained.

As we were running, there were things flickering in the corner of my vision. Big, dark, looming shadows between the trees.

"We're almost there!" Logan told me.

I nodded, gripping my sword tighter. I could see the entrance to the Mind Palace. Then a black tendril shot out in front of my feet.

I tripped.

Logan caught me, our faces inches apart. Both our eyes were wide as we stared at each other.

"No..." I whispered, "no no no no no!"

Logan fell to the ground, the sword sticking out of his chest.

"Logan!" I screamed, falling with him.

"Jan..." Logan smiled, blood leaking out of his mouth, "it's okay."

"No! Logan don't say that!" I cried, trying to stop the bleeding without taking out the sword.

Logan didn't respond.

"Logan!" I yelled, holding his face, "Logan wake up! Wake up!"


I looked up to see Patton in front of me, tears streaming down his face as he held his chest.

"he's gone Jan." Patton sniffed.

I shook my head, backing away from Patton. I ran into someone behind me.

"Janus..." Roman whispered, "what happened? Why has Logan been stabbed with your sword?"

I sobbed, "I-I- it wasn't- I-!"

I felt my breath catch in my throat. Suddenly Virgil was there, trying to help me calm down.

I saw Remus close Logan's eyes and summon a sheet to put over his body. No. No, Logan couldn't be dead. If he was dead that means that I k...

"I killed him." I whispered.

Patton shook his head, "no, Jan, I saw the whole thing. It was just an accident."

I shook my head, looking at the blood staining my hands, "I killed him."

"Janus, breathe." Virgil said.

I shook me head again, my knees giving out as I fell to the ground.

"Janus!" Roman yelled, catching me.

Spots danced in my vision. I couldn't hear what anyone was saying anymore. Then I blacked out.

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