Janus, loop 7

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It had been a week and my shed had finished. Everyone got worried at how seemingly suddenly my shed came on. But at least I had determined I was in a time loop. To keep track of how many times today has looped, I started making marks on my arm. Like Doctor Who and the Silence.

There was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I sighed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Patton opened the door, plate in hand, "hey kiddo, I brought you some breakfast! I knew you were probably tired from yesterday, so we also let you sleep in."

I smiled, "thank you Patton, it's much appreciated."

"Alright. I'll leave you alone now." Patton giggled, closing my door behind him.

I frowned as I ate my Pattoncakes. I have to talk to Logan about this. He's the only one who would know how to help!

I got dressed and picked up my now empty plate, opening my door. The wave of cool air felt refreshing after the heat of my room during shedding. I marched out to the kitchen.

"I'm just saying that deodorant isn't that bad for you!"

"It's literal poison! I-!"

I walked into the room to see Virgil, facedown on the table with Remus sitting next to him.

"Hey J-anus!" Remus grinned as I put my plate in the sink.

"Hello Ratmus." I huffed, "if you need me, I'll be in Logan's room."

"You gonna hang out with your boyfriend?" Virgil smirked, knowing about my crush on the logical side.

I smirked back, "no, but you and Remus certainly had some time together while everyone else was filming."

Virgil's face went dark red as Remus laughed. I chuckled as I walked away. Now to tell Logan about what's happening.

I knocked on the logical traits door. A few moments later Logan opened the door.

"Ah, Janus." Logan gave a small smile, holding the third Harry Potter book, "what brings you here this morning?"

"I need your help." I said.

Logan looked confused, "with what?"

I glanced around behind me, "may I come in?"

Logan nodded, stepping out of the way. I quickly entered his room. It was a dark blue color, with a wall of just shelf's of books.

"What is your predicament?" Logan asked, gaining my attention again.

I sighed, "this is going to sound... well, insane. But I'm stuck in a time loop."

Logan nodded, "alright."

"I know it sounds crazy but-!" I paused, "wait what?"

"Alright." Logan shrugged, "it makes sense with how odd you seem today, plus the fact that it looks like you just shed when yesterday you told me you were about to start shedding. So how can I help?"

I blinked, "wow... That's amazing. And I don't know how to get out of this time loop."

Logan hummed, "well, in most Media the solution for one to get out of a time loop is to solve something that happened during that day."

"But nothing happens today!" I groaned, "I wake up to Patton giving me Pattoncakes, Romans in the Imagination, you're reading and Virgil and Remus just hang out all day!"

Logan furrowed his brows, "perhaps something happens to Roman in the Imagination?"

I sighed, "possibly? I'll try it."

"How many times have you gone through this loop?" Logan asked.

I rolled up my sleeve, showing him the sharpie marks, "today is the seventh."

"Wow. I hope you get this solved soon." Logan said.

I sighed, "I do too... Thank you Logan. This at least gave me a little direction."

Logan gave me a small smile, "it's no problem."

I nodded as I teleported myself to the Imagination. I vaguely remembered Remy saying something about seeing two traits in one day, so I figured that would be a good place to start.

I arrived at the village around noon and went straight to the coffee shop.

"Hey girl." The barista, Remy, waved as I entered.

"Afternoon." I smiled, "you wouldn't happen to know where Roman is, would you?"

"Hell yeah." Remy laughed, "he said he was going to the Dragon-Witch lair to spar with her."

"Ah, thank you." I nodded, "well I'll be off then."

"Not gonna buy anything?" Remy gasped in mock hurt, "am I that unimportant?"

I chuckled, "sorry Remy, I'm in somewhat of a rush today. Perhaps tomorrow."

Remus smiled, "no pressure girl. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

I rolled my eyes, "that's not very limiting."

Remy laughed, "be safe. You know how the Imagination can be."

I nodded, "I know."

With that I left the store, starting my hike up the mountain. It was nice as ever during my half hour hike. The sun wasn't unbearably warm, the trees provided soothing shade. And luckily I didn't encountered any monsters.

Soon, I was at the entrance of the Dragon-Witch's lair.

"He's just so adorable! I wish he liked me back." I heard Roman cry.

"There there, I'm sure he likes you back." The Dragon-Witch said, "I mean, who wouldn't? You're a prince!"

"I know." Roman groaned, "the video is just getting to me."

"It was all acting Roman." I could see the Dragon-Witch smile softly, "I'm sure you're still Thomas' hero."

I cleared my throat, "Pardon my interruption, but is everything alright?"

Roman jumped and the Dragon-Witch turned her head towards me.

"Everything's f-!" Roman started.

"He thinks Patton doesn't like him romantically and that he isn't Thomas' hero." The Dragon-Witch said.

"DW!" Roman gasped.

I chuckled, "I can tell when you lie Roman, you would have had to tell me anyway."

Roman sighed and layed back against the Dragon-Witch's wings, "you're right."

I sat down next to him, "Roman. You are Thomas' hero. Nothing will change that. The videos are scripted, we've already worked through this and you know that Thomas' feelings toward you won't change."

"I know..." Roman said, "but the way Patton looked at me during the video, how could he like me?"

I laughed, "are you kidding!? Patton is head over heels for you! He was so worried about getting you the perfect gift for Christmas, he panicked and ran out of time so he gave you your favorite pasta!"

Roman blushed, "so I have a chance?"

I nodded, "ask him out. He'll say yes."

Roman smiled lightly, "Thanks Jan. We should probably get home before Patton and Virgil freak out."

I nodded, "yeah. Patton's making pasta."

Roman laughed, "of course."

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