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~~The firts and may be the last warning~~
Before reading, please know that English is not my native language. So there might be some or many mistakes that even my brain could never explain. Or it might be typos mistakes as well. I wrote English books because I want, not only to practice my English and to improve it but also because I love this language in the first place.
Also you might feel like a deja vu or deja reading through my fics. It's because I have been a writter before, but I deleted my books. Also please please correct my mistakes in the comment while reading, it could and will help me for the correction
Please try to deal with it and Thank You so much for taking your time to read my stories.

"H-h-hey, have you seen Derek coming here?" I asked the guy in front of me. I know i've seen him with Derek before, but I just never talked with him. Nor paid him any mind.

"Derek..? Derek Hale..? That one Derek right?" Did he just answered my questions by him questioning me back? That jerk

"Yeah, definitely that one. Is there any one else with the name of Derek Hale? please just tell me where I can find him, I have been searching for him yesterday." I said sarcastically, then back desperate.

"Of course, but I want to know who are you for him?" He went on.

"What do you mean who I am for him? his boyfriend of course. We have been together for a few months now. And I don't even know why I am telling you this. Listen just tell me where I can find him please. This is the last place I'm hoping to find him, because I have been searching every where."

I'm not only seemed like an obssessed boyfriend, but I'm also seemed like fool. People might be saying; poor kid, his boyfriend didn't come back home again. Seriously, It's getting ridiculous. Or I'm really ridiculous.

See me and Derek have been together for like six months and soon, in a week, we will be celebrating our seven months anniversary. But we have been friends since primary school. I was five years back then in kindergarden, preparing for elementry school. And he was eight years old in elementry. That day, some kids were picking on me because some girl said that I stole her pencil when I didn't do anything. Since that day, every kid started to call me a thief. After school, while I was waiting for my big sister to come pick me up from school, the kids started to beats me up out of nowhere. I didn't know what I did wrong and I didn't understand why they were beating me up. But Derek was the one who saved me that day.

Since then, I had been following him everywhere he went. Some kids started to call me clingy thief. But I never really cared. Because as long as I was with him, people didn't pay me any mind, it was alwyas about him. And when Derek was not at school, well, they weren't really friendly with me. I never told him about it nor my big sister, because they told me if I do, they will be worse, so I didn't dare. I realized that I had feelings for him in high school. I was thirteen yers old in junior high school and he was sixteen in senior high school. We were playing a game called truth or dare. A class mate dared me to kiss the person I want to be with in my futur life and I kissed Derek. Every one was shoked, but I wasn't because he was the only person I had been thinking of lately. He kissed me back really. At first, I couldn't tell if I was dreaming, but it was real and really good and I liked the kiss that we shared.

Since then, I started to ask him for another kiss and after he kissed me, I would ask again and again and again. In the dark of course. But people kept calling us fags. I was the only one who suffered the most because I was the one who initiate the kiss. But I never told him about it. I have been in love with him since then. Now I am sixteen years old, he knows about me having feelings for him. I confessed on my birthday and he accepted me and my fellings for him. He never told me anything, if he feels the same or what, he just told me that we can try things out. for me it was firends with beneficts. He never told me that he loves me. I'm okay as long as he is with me forever.

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