Old Friendships

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*I don't own Naruto✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"N-naruto-kun?!" speaking hesitantly, her pale lilac orbs expanding at the sight of the man in front of her.

The tall uchiha rushed to the door behind Hinata. He put a steady hand on her shoulder making her jump a bit, but as he caressed her, the hyuga became calm. Hinata was always mesmerized by Sasuke's touch, his muscular hands, his comforting smile, what more could she ask for. In his arms she felt safe, warm, and loved, the uchiha would change her life forever he could soothe her so easily.

Sakura's eyes widened at Sasuke's hand being placed around the indigo haired girl right in front of her. She had never seen Sasuke like this. Why was he like this with her? What the hell, why is he touching her, Hinata can't just come in and take away Sasuke from me. That's not fair, what the f*ck happened to girl code?!

The pinkette's face turned pale, "Why are you touching her..." Sakura spoke in a sour tone.

Naruto's eyes widened at his girlfriend's rudeness to Hinata and Sasuke.

Honestly the hyuga and the uchiha never talked about their relationship, they had gone on a couple dates with the free time they had. They were just on their 3rd date! The two of them went over to each other's places a couple times because of their "cats", basically they had been inseparable since the night they spent together.

The night Sasuke opened up to someone for the first time, the night Hinata realized that this attraction between them wasn't just one of her romance novels. They never talked about being a couple, it didn't really matter to them, it was just Sasuke and Hinata and they were happy. The label wasn't important, they just knew that falling in love at first sight wasn't just some myth.

"Konbanwa Hinata-chan, What are you doing in Sasuke's apartment?" Naruto said with unease in voice as he tried to break the awkwardness.

"Oh, me and Sasuke-kun were having dinner together." a fake smile crossing her lips, noticing Naruto's grip tighten around Sakura's hand. "...It looks like you guys need to catch up with Sasuke-kun... sorry for intruding."

The hyuga leaned her head forward trying to cover her eyes that were starting to tear up at the sight of them together. Hinata reached up to remove Sasuke's hand from her shoulder, she said her quiet and quick goodbyes to the three. Hinata walked over to her door swiftly pulling out her keycard, she didn't look back at them, she knew they were staring at her. Staring at her like Hinata had overstepped her boundaries, that she didn't know existed.

Hinata closed the door leaning against it, she slid down to the floor sitting back against the white entryway. The pale eyed hyuga curled up her knees hugging them as she buried her teary face, why did he have to show up? Especially with her... Hinata thought as she pulled out her phone to text Tenten on what to do. She had been keeping up with Tenten this whole time. She was almost like an older sister to her, Hinata always went to her when she had problems she didn't know how to solve herself.

Hinata texted her the situation and what she should do next.

Tenten replied quite fast.

- I don't want to worry you Hinata-chan but I think Sakura is jealous even though she has Naruto. I think she would be the kind of person to want both of them. -

- You think Sakura-chan would want Sasuke-kun too?! -

- Yes. I mean you did tell me they have been friends since grade school, which by the way how did you never see Sasuke?! -

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