Being with Him

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*I don't own Naruto✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

 The soft day glow shown through the small window letting in a peaceful vibe, hearing gentle music playing in his ear. The uchiha was drooling slightly as he woke up realizing he had fallen asleep on Hinata's shoulder. He quickly sat up making her jump a lit bit before she looked over at him with a frightened face almost dropping her knitting sticks.

"Ah wait one second Sasuke-kun..." Hinata said calmly with placidity in her voice.

The hyuga dug around in her carry-on before making the face of 'I found it!' She pulled out a light blue handkerchief that had her initials in the corner. Hinata started to rub his cheek gently where his drool was getting rid of it.

"There you go." she spoke with a calm smile across her face.

His face turned red realizing what she just did, "a-arigato." Sasuke said calmly, trying not to stutter but failing.

"Did you sleep alright Sasuke-kun?" Hinata spoke softly, turning back to her needle work resuming the knitting process.

"Y-yeah, surprisingly I did." he whispered, scratching the back of his head a little bit trying to fix his messy hair.

"That's good, I'm glad." the hyuga smiled towards him, "by the way Sasuke-kun I put headphones in for you."

"O-oh that's where the music was coming from." The uchiha stuttered slightly embarrassed taking out the ear buds.

He honestly hadn't realized that he was listening to classical music from her phone. When he was with her it was like things were drowned out, he only focused on Hinata.

The hyuga giggled softly a light tint of rose washing over her pale cheeks before she closed the window halfway. Sasuke's stomach had growled loudly, her face suddenly lit up remembering something she had bought yesterday for this morning. Hinata grabbed her white carry-on bag, placing it on her lap as she moved a couple things around pulling out 2 small brown bags.

"Yesterday when I went to starbucks I knew we would be hungry the next morning so I got a couple pastries." Hinata conveyed with a soft smile.

She pulled out a croissant, placing it in Sasuke's hands as she took out her water bottle, placing it on the uchiha's foldable table.

How is she so organized?! He thought, his eyes widening at her.

"Is something wrong Sasuke-kun? If you don't like that I also have-'' she was cut off, as her face heated up.

The uchiha had given her a gentle kiss, "Hinata it's alright." he spoke as she nuzzled her cheek at his arm. The pale eyed girl was resting her head on his shoulder slightly, continuing to knit with the pine colored yarn. Hinata was a fast worker, she seemed to be already halfway done with the scarf she had been knitting.

After another hour had passed the captain came on the intercom saying they would be landing soon. Hinata got excited as she looked out the window pointing at the ocean, her face reddened as she felt him intertwined his fingers with hers. Hinata turned back to Sasuke, giving him a flustered smile as he raised their arms, kissing the back of her palm, not disconnecting their gaze. Hinata's cheeks became even more red like the sweet and fresh tomato red, the one Sasuke loved.

Hinata placed her knitting stuff into her bag thinking about knitting later, I can't focus when he keeps kissing me like that!!! She thought, pouting slightly. The hyuga pulled out her phone leaning against him, Hinata wanted to see if she had service yet because they were approaching the shoreline of Okinawa. Her face lit up realizing she had a couple bars, Hinata instantly opened her messaging app to text her niisan. She didn't really feel like paying for a taxi so If Hanabi could pick them up a lot of money would be saved.

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