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[Lucien's corner: Hey guys, some disclaimer that I almost forgot to add. I don't own anything. All credits go to the rightful owners, just writing this for my own entertainment. It's also unedited, so I apologize for the mistakes I have and will be making. I'll try to update as soon as I can. Got no plans here so, I basically write as I go. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it. :) ]


"Look, its Momoi-kun," a girl nudged her friend as her eyes traced the boy's form. The pink-haired boy was drinking from the fountain.

Her friend followed her eyes and brightens up in excitement, "goodness, our eyes have been blessed yet again."

Normally, Momoi Sora, the main topic of the conversation, would have quickly bailed out and run away from all the whispers, but it seemed like they were not going to approach him today.

"What else is he missing? He's so perfect!" both girls squealed.

Perfection was something unattainable, but the boy was someone who can be described as such. A perfect student with his outstanding grades and achievements. A perfect basketball player with precise shooting accuracy and light feet for his young age. A perfect friend and son with his patience, caring attitude, deep empathy, and attention for detail.

"Me?" another girl joined the conversation.

Love was not his forte. He was young, for heaven's sake. What does he know about love? When you read about it, it sounds more like an illness. Puberty was around the corner, but unlike his classmates, his heart remained unaffected by the maidens and surrounding beauty that blessed his presence every day.

At least, that's what he thought.



"Do you want to get hit?" the two girls glared at their friend.

He can't help the corner of his lips from turning up despite the tiredness and heaviness of his shoulders. He turned back as he heard his friends call his name.

"Sora! Let's go! We're going to be late. The match is about to start!" now, that could not happen. He was there to support his best friend and he would not be alive at the end of the day if he missed a single minute of it.

"Coming." he grinned, drying his hands on his pants.

Gym class was his only salvation, the only time where he gets to be himself. Running, jumping, the ball and the court made him feel alive. The only moments where his body catches up on the tiredness of his mind. Basketball was his heaven and to Shiina Asahi, it was swimming. So, who could blame the latter if he wants to plan his murder if Momoi ever missed his show of hard work?


With a deep sigh and a short prayer, he twisted the knob of the front door to a place that's called home but doesn't feel like it most of these days. "I'm home!"

"Welcome home, son!" his father greeted back.

With a nod, he smiled in return and made his way directly to his room.

The older man's eyes followed his youngest son, his previous smile turning into a frown. Momoi Hirokumi thought that his son has been acting quite differently in the past few weeks, but he couldn't put a finger on what was wrong. Shrugging, he went back to his laptop.

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