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Hailey's POV

I started to walk towards the bullies who had Milly's diary page, when I felt a hand grasp my hand. I looked over I knew it was Jake because we had talked before I was going to get the diary page. I blushed as I see his eyes staring at me. He was saying something but I didn't really hear anything.
"Uhhhh", I said.
"Oh!" He exclaimed while pulling his hand back.
Suddenly I remembered what he had said.
"I think that's a good plan actually", I told him.
"Oh,thanks," He said.
Then I watched as he went to go and handle the situation.
I heard everything. I thought how cool he was for doing that for Milly.
A few minutes later he came back and showed me the paper.
"Ok,I'll take it from here," I decided while holding my hand out.
"Why?"He asked."Didn't I prove you can trust me?"
I sighed."I guess you did,but don't read it."
"Ok", Jake claimed. Then he started to walk off to go and find Milly.
I went off to do my own thing.

But after that whole Feasko, I started to feel weird around Jake.
My heart beats faster everytime I'm around him.

I blushed when I am around him.

I found that I Avoiding him more.

And I feel that butterflies have butterflies in my stomach everytime I see him.

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