Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Everlasting!
Now first we must go over some important technicalities and cover the basics. For those of you who come here after the end of Tenebrous, welcome back, we are so happy to see you all once again. Now after that dramatic ending Author's Note, I believe most was covered in there, so if you want, just skip the technicalities, but do read the end of the note (easy to spot the separation)
For all those who hadn't read the note, there is one very important announcement. As you may be able to guess form the cover, and the description, and the title of this author's note, I am not the only author working on this book. Everlasting started out as a plot created by hfflcrpntr who was kind enough to share it with me. One thing led to another, and Everlasting became our baby, adopted into the Shakespeare Universe and I couldn't be happier about that. Both Camilla and I love this story and its characters and we hope that you too will share in that love.
Now for all of you who found this story and it is the first one introducing you into the Shakespeare Universe, worry not. There is really not much need to go back to the books that have been published before this one (or if you're reading this at a later time, the books that were publish after this one but take place in the same time period either). Everything you will need to know to be able to follow the story will be in the book and nobody will be confused or feel left out. So if you are here for the first time, and only now discovering the marvel that is the Shakespeare Universe, welcome and I hope you enjoy.
I also want to disscuss updates and a bit of Wattpad etiquette that goes in hand with them. I'm not a person with a schedule, I write when I am inspired and when I want to. Sometimes, that may result in very slow updates. Another thing that may result in very slow updates is comments like "Please update/When will you update/Update soon/etc." Shortly, all update asking and begging types of comments. I personally dislike these very much, even when they're sent with good intentions (you want to show you love the story and can't wait for more). Very often when receiving these comments I'm not flattered, but infuriated and my inspiration diminishes. So please, don't ask me and beg for updates, that doesn't work and might just make the wait longer.
And now my darlings, I (Eva) leave you and hand over the reigns my amazing and talented co-author Camilla (hfflcrpntr)
Hello everyone, I promise I won't keep you long, I just wanted to welcome you all to Everlasting myself and say how happy and proud I am for my character, Olivia Hawthorne, to be a part of the Shakespeare Universe. I hope you will enjoy her story, and I hope to interact with all of you in the comments soon enough.
And now we leave you, so go forth our darlings and enjoy the story of Olivia Hawthorne!
P.S. For anyone interested in further discussion, previews and sneak peaks and possible extra content for Everlasting or any of the other plethora of books involved in this universe in general, there is a discord server, and the link is available on my profile for all those who are interested.

Everlasting ⁂ Harry Potter [1]
FanfictionWhat would you do if you discovered you are a witch? That is a question that eleven year old Olivia Hawthorne is faced with as a woman clad in green robes appears at the door of the flat she and her father live in, introducing herself as Professor M...