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                                                                         A few days later

Everyone was in the cave just doing their own thing, but in the same room. Our team consisted of Aqualad as our leader, Miss Martian, Artemis, me, Kid Flash, and Superboy. Superboy, Conner, was talking to Miss Martian, Megan, in the kitchen. Kid flash, Wally, was talking- well, more like arguing, with Artemis, and Aqualad, Kaldar, was just up in his room. I stood in a dark corner, dressed in jeans, converse and a T-shirt. Oh, and of course my shades. I keep trying not to look at Wally, but I have been failing miserably. He was wearing a white long sleeved shirt with a red, short sleeved, button up shirt over it. He wore jeans and sneakers. 

  I kept looking at him and trying to make myself see that I only like him as a friend. It wasn't working. Every time he did something stupid, like when he was following Artemis he ran into a table, I couldn't help but smile and chuckle. God, he was perfect. No, stop thinking that way... please. I begged myself. I slumped down to the ground, pulled my knees up to my chest, and put my head on them. "Robin?" I looked up to see Kaldar standing in front of me. I stood up so that I didn't hurt my neck by looking up at him. "Yeah?" "Are you alright?" He asked me. "Yeah... I-I'm alright..." I trailed off. He put his hand on my shoulder. "Robin, if you need to get anything off your shoulders you can always come to me, okay? You do not have to be alone anymore." With that he walked off. 

  I felt as if I need sometime alone to just be me, not have to wear my mask. So I was starting to walk up the stairs when I heard my name being called. Ugh what now? "Hey, Rob, where you going?" Asked Wally. Oh, so now he notices me. "I'm heading up stairs." I could tell my irritation was seeping into my voice. "Why? Megan just baked a cake. You are going to miss out." I just wanted to be left alone. Ugh. "Okay, whatever." I turned to leave, but I was stopped once again. "What's wrong? Something is bothering you." That's the thing about Wally, he always knows when something is bothering me. "It doesn't matter." This time I got up a few steps right before he used his super speed and stopped in front of me. His green eyes showed true concern. "Yes it does. Robin, you and me both know what happens when you don't tell anyone anything... Don't go back down that path again, please. You can tell me anything." Oh so you think I'm going to tell you that I think I like you more then a friend? Yeah right. "Dude, just leave me be." I snapped at him and ran up the stairs before he could do anything. 

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