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 We walked behind Bats, not really sure what was going on. We looked at each other knowing we shouldn't come out yet. The rest of the team  was down in the room where we get our missions. "What is going on?" I whispered to Robin. "I'll sum it up for you. My ass is about to get kicked." "Oh." Was all I could say.  Batman walked to the front of the room. "Do anyone know why we are gathered hear today?" He asked us in his scary voice. Everyone shook their head in a 'no'. Robin raised his hand. "I do." "Oh and why is that?" Batman asked. "We are hear because I am going to get yelled at in front of all of you because I went off on my own." He pointed out facing us and looking me in the eye. God, how I love his voice. Kaldar must have seen the exchange and looked at me. I nodded and smiled. He smiled and turned toward Batman again. "Oh! I wonder where he gets that from!" Smirked artemis. I sinckered. Batman  glared at her. 

 Batman stepped towards Robin. "What the hell where you thinking?!?!" He yelled at him.I flinched and clenched my fist. "Look, I thought they were right behind me! And you can not yell at me for that, you do it all the time!" Robin yelled back at him. "Well I can take him! You are just a kid Robin! It was way to dangerous for you. For all of you! I shouldn't even have sent you." Batman said and left the cave. 'Um..." Conner said. "Yeah, I agree with you." Said Kaldar. I went up to Rob. "Hey, you okay?" I put my hand on his forearm, letting my hand linger. "I'm just going to take a short breather, if that's okay..." I smiled at him. "Of course it is. Do you want me with you or just your self?" I asked, wanting to spend more time with him. "Just alone for a few minutes please..." I still smiled even though I was upset. "That's fine." I looked around and didn't see anyone looking and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He smiled and left. 

 I stood there watching him leave. "What was all that about?" Kaldar asked me. "Oh, I guess Bats was mad at him." He eyed me. "You know what I mean... It had to do  with that kiss." I turned red and looked at my shoe. "You saw that?" "Yes, care to explain?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I pulled him by the arm so we were farther then the group. "Well... we were fighting and I kind of yelled that I love him and he says he loves me too, we kissed and that is kind of how it happened..." I said in a split second. "So bye!" I ran out of the room. 

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