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Okay so we just found out the Justice league had gone missing, big woop. It happens all the time. "So? It happens all the time Batman, it's probably the same situation." I said just brushing it off. "No it's not. It is completely different thing. I- I can't explain it, but I can tell you it is different." I nodded. "Then it's a mission?" I asked excited. "Yes." I looked at Wally who was grinning so much that his eyes were sparkling like the stars. As I stared he elbowed me whispering, "Rob I know you love me, but staring is a bit creepy." He looked at me, turning my own words against me. I laughed only  to be glared at by the big man. I knew that stare all to well so I didn't get scared, but when he looked away I stuck my tounge out making Wally stifle his laughter. Aquald spoke up, clearly done with our immature actions. "What do we have to do?" He asked. "Find the source, we well I know that or rather has the feeling that Klarion is involved." That made Wally groan. "Seriously? Him?! UGH!!" He slammed his head into his hands. "He is so ANNOYING." Bats glared. "Wally breath. Get traught." I said. He nodded. 

 "I'll send the coordinates." Everyone ran off to change into their outfits. I quickly changed into my Robin outfit when worry settled into my stomach. Why am I freaking out so much? It is just Klarion... I'll be fine... What is wrong with me? All of a sudden I couldn't breath. I heard laughing. I turned and saw Klarion. "W-wh?" He crackled. I closed my eyes feeling like I knew I was going to die. "Funny huh? Did you ever know how it feels to die by slowly  losing your breath? No? Then today is your lucky day." "ROBIN!" I heard my name being yelled. I opened my eyes and saw Wally with this green eyes widened. I gasped getting my breath back. "W-wh? What the hell happened?" I asked terrified and completely confused. "I found you standing there choking. Rob what the hell?" I slumped down to the ground my legs to weak to hold me. "I saw Klarion... I'm not sure what is going on, but I know Klarion is behind this. I think he figured out how to ghost per-say." He nodded, comprehending all of this. "I'm just glad you're okay." I gave him a week smile. "From what I heard him say sounded more like the Joker then him... But yeah, I'm totally feeling the aster." I smiled. 

 We were in the bio-ship almost to our destination when something made the ship make a sharp right. "Whoa, Megan. What's going on?" Conor asked. "I'm not sure... Something- OW!" Coner rushed to Megan's side. "I-I'm okay..." She smiled weakly. "No you're not... What was that?" Coner asked her, frantic. "It had to Simon... Count Vertigo is in prison. Besides I know the feeling of him when I get it." She said with disgust written all over her face. Conor didn't look to thrilled. She still looked really pale. "Why don't we all just take a short break?" I asked. Wally nodded. "Okay..." Megan said. 

 Everyone was just talking, unsure about what to do with this plan and what Klarion can do. That's when I noticed that Wally hadn't said anything recently. I looked over at him and he was asleep. "Awe." I said softly. I stared at his beautiful face when I saw that his breathing had become shallow and was staggering. I panicked and ran over to him, causing everyone to look at what was happening. I started to shake his shoulders, violently. "Wally! Wake up!" I yelled. I kept on shaking him, even when I felt his breathing stop. Tears were coming down my face when I slapped him, trying to get him to wake. 

  I layed my head on his chest giving up. I was to distraught to do notice everyone else. I silently cried, but then all of a sudden he sat up gasping. "Oh my god! Wally!" I threw my arms around my beloved. "I-it was Klarion!" He said in-between gasps. In that instant I knew what we had to do to finish this mission. "We have to kill Klarion." 

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