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 I sat on the bed looking at Wally as he slept. He was absolutly gorgeous. I feel so bad for him... He shouldn't have to go through this. I'm just glad it wasn't him as I had thought. When I got that call... My whole world just crashed. It fell apart. I cannot lose him. He is my whole world. "Rob?" He mumbled from his slumber. "Mhm?"  I replied. "Who is your whole world?" He asked, looking at me curriously. "Did I say that last part out loud?" I asked, a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, you did. Who is it?" "It's, um, you..." I blushed, probably turning a deep red. "You're cute when you blush, you know that?" He smirked while I turned a hundred shades of red. "Um, thanks..." I didn't know what to say. "So, um, Rob... I was wondering if, um..." He trailed off, looking nerveous. "If what, Wally?" "If, um, you could, uh, be my, um, uh, boyfriend?" He said that last word really fast. I grinned. "Of course. Yes." He sat up and grinned at me, his bright green eyes smiling like the moon. "Come here." I hadn't slept one bit that night, not really sure why, but I guess he sensed that because he grabbed me, layed back against my pillows and I fell asleep on his chest. 

  I woke up only to see Artemis and Megan looking at us. Artemis was snickering and Megan was saying a soft 'awe'. I looked at our possition: Wally had fallen back asleep with his neck back softly snoring. I had slipped completly on him where my head was resting on his lower stomach. "Mhmm?" I was officially up and awake, though I didn't move. I didn't want to for that matter. Wally stirred awake. "Hey, Rob. Comfy?" I lifted my head up and smiled. "Yes, very." He smirked and I got lost into his amazing, beautiful green eyes. Artemis cleared her throat. Ugh, I totally forgot that they were there. "Care to explain?" Artemis asked, eyebrows raised. Ugh... Wally was the one to speak up. "Okay, okay. Lets just say this: It looks exactly as it is." He winked at me. Artemis was a little shocked. "Wait- really? You two are..." "Yeah we are." I smiled at Wally after saying that. All of a sudden Megan kind of freaked out. "AWE!!! Finally!! I didn't know how to tell you guys, but you figured it out!! AWE!!" We both, Wally and I, looked at each other confused. "You knew?" I asked. "Well, yeah. It was when you two were not speaking and your thoughts were really loud and strong, they were just to hard to block..." We nodded slowly. "Well I'm just going to go..." Artemis walked out of the room follwed by Megan. Wally looked at me and bent down and kissed me. This life could not get any better. 

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