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 There I was out on the mission after getting yelled at by Batman. I was running with my speed, looking up in the sky watching Robin swing from his rope. I smiled while staring. Damn, you're perfect. I thought while staring at him. I totally forgot about the mind link when I did so. Dumb ass, we can hear you!  Aretmis yelled at me. Damn this stupid mind link. I thought. Sorry... Megan thought in a sad voice. Sorry Megan, didn't mean anything by it. I apologized. I heard Robin cough in his head. Yeah? Well I think you're pretty damn perfect as well. I felt my cheeks reddened under my suite. Whoa! I ran into a path that had been recently rained on. Perfect. There's mud. I slipped and hit my head on a tree.

  Ugh... All of a sudden my head got hit with metal. "What the hell?" I asked. I looked up and saw Joker. Great. He was hitting the crowbar onto his hand as if challenging me. "I wanted the little Boy Blunder, but I guess you'll have to do." He snarled. I got up, holding my head with a double headache. I start to run and try to grab that crowbar, when he punched me in the eye. I fell back into the mud, groaning. 

 He runs over and punches me in the nose, making it bleed. He started to use the crowbar and hit me over and over again with it. This is it. This is definitely how I am going to die... Well shit. Robin I love you. I thought, but I guess everyone was out of rang because there was no reply. I curled up in a ball for juat a moment with the thought of dying alone. A cut on my side made me understand that I can't quit. I get up and throw a punch at the crazed clown. 

 He dodges it and laughs crazily. He hit my leg with the crowbar, which made my legs go weak. He stabbed at me with his knife and hit me with that damn crowbar. I fell all the way to the ground when he stabbed me underneath my rib cage. I was laying on my back when he looked at me. He laughed, "Nighty- night!" He brought the crowbar down on my head.


 "Bring it bitches." I heard my boyfriends voice. Then I heard metal clashing and the insane laughter of that damn clown. I tried to open my eyes but my right one hurt really badly. All I wanted was Robin here, but I was alone while he kicked those guys ass. "R-Robin..." I rasped. I heard him do his back flip and two bodies fall to the ground. I heard footsteps coming in my direction. "Wally, I'm about to pass out. Here." He gave me a kiss on my swollen lips and untied me before falling over. I fell out of the chair.

 I landed on the ground right by the gorgeous Boy Wonder. I saw that he had his wrist slit vertically. "I tuned into Batman. "R-Robin... Wrist cut... Bleeding bad... 'bout to die... Needs hospital..." Then I fell to the ground and fell asleep.


 I woke up to see that I was in my room in the cave. The curtains in my room were closed, but light was coming out just a little bit. "Hey Wall-man." I heard Artemis's voice at my door. "Um, hey?" I muttered. "You fought really well out there." She said softly. I felt like I was missing something. Ugh... I miss Dick. "Robin! Where is he?!" I yelled, jolting up. As I sat up right I groaned in pain, the pain was so sharp I fell back onto the bed. "Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you that you have a broken rib." I glared at her. "No shit." I told her. She smirked, "I'll go get your boyfriend."

 I sat up again, but more slowly. After about five minutes Richard came through the door. He was all bruised and his left wrist wrapped in white gauze. The gauze was stained red. "What happened?" I asked. frantic. "Joker slit my wrist. I could have died, but bats told me that you called him and saved me." He smiled, his blue eyes sparkling. 

 I ended up smiling from looking at his gorgeous eyes and smile. "Wow, how are you not on a build board? That smile of yours is completely asterous." Rob said, grinning. "So Wally... Do I get to know what you did that made you and me both almost die?" I looked away, blushing badly. "I slipped in mud..." He just stared, waiting for me to continue. "Then I ran into the Joker... Literally." He nodded and sat down on the bed with me. "Just please be careful Wally... I really do love you." He told me, wrapping his arms around my torso. "I really do love you too , Richard." I turned around in his arms so that I was facing him. I then kissed him.

 Electricity passed between him and I when our lips touched. At first it was just my lips moving, but then his hands moved to the nape of my neck  and his lips moved in sinc with mine. With our lips still intact he moved so that I was on my back and he was on top of me. He bit on my lip, pulling it away from my mouth. I gasped slightly and he put his tongue on the lip of my mouth asking if it was okay. I nodded slightly. Just as he was about to roam my mouth with his tongue the door opened. 

 "Oh god! Get a room!" Artemis yelled. Rob sat up and yelled, "We are in a room!" I just sat there laughing until the broken rib got jostled. "Ohh, ouch." I muttered. "Oh sorry." Rob said. "It's okay, babe." He kissed me once again.

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