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  I sat in my room for hours, thinking about Wally. By now the sun had set. I had convinced myself to think about him... It was clear to anyone that I have strong feelings for him. It will be useless to try and push away those feelings. Come on, think! I yelled in my head. "Forget it...  It's no use." I heard footsteps outside my door being followed with a deep breath. I got up to see who it was when the Justice League alarm turned on. I heard the footsteps run away. I came out of my room and head to where the rest of the team was. I saw Aqualad look at KF questionably. He shook his head in a "No.". What was that all about? I thought. "Batman to Young Justice." I looked up and saw my mentor on a big screen. "Today the Joker and Poison Ivy have been causing chaos. Poison Ivy has all these plants that have been destroying Gotham City." "What do we do?" I spoke up. "You are going to fight along side the League." Wally was the next person to speak. "Really? Yes! That's awesome!" Batman just glared at him. "We found their hideout. You are  going to start there. Be careful. These two are very strong and have a lot of power. Do whatever you can,  but don't do anything that will cause direct harm to any of you. We cannot afford to get you killed. Now go." The screen went blank.

  Everyone ran out of the cave in their outfits. Wally in his Kid Flash uniform, Megan in her Miss Martian uniform, Conner in his regular Superboy shirt, Artemis in her green outfit, and me in my Robin uniform. We were all in the bio-ship when I got the coordinates to their hideout. While were were waiting for out destination all was quiet. I looked at Wally. He was staring out the window when he turned and made eye contact with me. I immediately looked away.  

  Megans profile

 I still don't know how to tell him that Robin is in love with Wally. The same goes for Robin. I have to do something... I miss having them be so immature. They were best friends and now because they finally realized that they have feelings for eachother, they never talk. I really miss having them be foolish friends. Oh well... We jumped out of the bio-ship and turned on stealth mode.
Robins profile

"Megan is the link up?" I whispered. We're a go. We heard her voice in our head. 'We're a go'? What are you five? Artemis thought annoyed. Guys, focus. We are not here to argue. Aqualad said. Robin, KidFlash, and Aretmis go around the South entrance. Miss Martian and Superboy you are with me. Go. Oh god. Wally just had to be with me... Oh god. Fear struck me. I disapeard from my group, trying to get out of range for the telapthic link. I cannot have them hear my thoughts. I heard very faintly in my mind, Robin where are you?? Good I am now out of range. I heard maniac laughter. I froze and stood up, my back towards him. "Joker." The laughter increased. "Oh how I have wanted to cut this bird."

         A few hours later
  Ow... I woke up to pain. Every bone was aching. I looked around and saw someone in a dark corner. I tried to get up when I realized that my arms were tied behind my back and my feet were tied together. He started to laugh. Great, I'm alone and facing the Joker. Joy. He stepped into the light, looking sinister. I saw that in his hand was a crowbar. Oh dear god. He laughed louder. "Oh how sad. Daddy isn't here to save you. He probably wanted to get rid of you and sent you here, (laughs) and now I can kill you with full joy!" "Go ahead. Try and kill me. You won't be able to. Someone will come for me, they always do." I spat. He laughed insanly. The laughing stopped and he swung his crowbar at me. Even though I was tied up I managed to avoid it with a back flip. "Stupid bird. (high pitched voice) Here birdy, birdy, birdy." I glared at him. I looked around the room when I was hit really hard by the crowbar. It knocked me to the ground and I moaned. Ugh... There is so much pain right now. I really hope I don't die so I can say good bye one last time to Wally. He continued to hit me with a crowbar and I could feel consiousness slipping from my grasp. I could tell that I was going to die. One or more hits to the head should do it. He laughed. "Are you enjoying your slow death? Well, I am." He raised his hand and hit me against the head really hard. Everything went black.


I woke up in my room with Wally at the foot of the bed. Tears were in his eyes. "Ugh... Why were you crying?" I asked fantly. He looked at me with his eyes full of relief. "Oh my god! You're alive!!" He came and crouched by my head. "Yeah I'm alive." I moaned when I tried to see if my glasses were one my eyes. He put my hand down. "Don't worry. I made sure that they would let you have them one." I smiled. "Thanks wallman." He smiled, but then the smiled faded and was replaced with a scowl. "Now, care to tell me why the heck you went off on your own?" he asked me, angerly. "I thought you guys were right behind me..." I lied. "No you didn't. I know you. What were you doing??" Anger was making his voice rise. "I already told you Wally!" He got up and started to pace. "No you didn't!! I know when you are lying and you lied to me! Now tell me. Why were you going off on your own?!" He yelled. "Why do you care so much?!?!" I screamed. "You could have died!! That's why I care!!" what? "No. That's not a good enough reason!! We almost die everytime we go on a mission!! You don't seem to care then so why now?!" He was silent. "Why?!?!" I screamed, knowing that this was a reaction from my confused feelings... Ugh I wish I could control them. "Why?!?!" I asked again. He looked really pissed of and blurted out, "Because I love you!!!!" We both were silent, the next thing I knew he had used his superspeed and ran out of my room.

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