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The police called our house telling my mom that Barry Allen, Flash, got into an accident. My dad drove seeing as my mom was sobbing uncontrolably. I guess she called someone to tell them as well, but I don't know who. I was in the back seat hurting. A lot. I turned my head and looked at the window, seeing my reflection. I looked so sad. How did this happen? I thought. Today was supposed to be the best day of my life, seeing how it went with Rob. Why did this have to happen to me? A tear slipped from my eye. 

  Finally we arrived at the hospitle. I heard a motorcycle drive into the parking lot as well. My family ran into the emergancy room. I saw my uncle through a window facing the outside of his room. We wern't allowed in yet. I put my forehead on the window and sighed. "Wally?" I heard my name be called. I looked and saw Robin standing a few feet away from me. "Oh god, you're okay?" He asked. "Yeah I-I'm fine." What was he going on about? "So you wern't in an accident?" He asked totally confused just like me. "No, bu-" He ran and gave me a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay." He whispered then pulled back. "Wait- then who is in the hospitle?" I looked at the window and he followed my gaze. "Oh, Wally I'm so sorry." Tears filled my eyes. He hugged me and didn't let go untill I pulled away. "Thanks." I whispered. He nodded. My dad came up to me. "Hey, it's getting late. Robin, can he stay with you or at the cave?" He asked Robin. He nodded and said of course. Rob took me by my arm and led me to his motorcycle. When we got to his house I fell onto his bed and fell asleep.

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