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"WALLY!" Robin screamed at me. I tried to run back to my seat as fast as possible because we were about to land into the ocean. "Yes there is water and guys you might want to prepare yourse-" The ship hit the water. Megan was to focused trying to get rid of the pain and not paying attention that I was in a seat without a seat belt. Water was up to the ceiling. I looked at Rob and saw him thinking on how to get out of the situation. He stopped when he saw me looking at him. "What?" He asked with his hands because we couldn't waste precious air talking. Our lungs would have filled up with water. I grabbed his hand and squeezed. He squeezed back. Aqualad came up to us. "Stay calm, I'll get you out." He told us. I had totally forgotten then that he can breath underwater, probably better here then on land.

  Robin nodded. I felt my lungs burning up. I saw my boyfriend tense up from loss of air. I pulled him closer and hugged, terrified that this was it. This is the way that Richard John Grayson and Wallace Rudolph West will die. I had so little air left. I made Dick face me. "I love you." I told him and put my mouth on his, giving him the last of my air. I felt myself losing my grasp on Dick and was falling to the bottom of the ship. Black spots covered my vision when I felt myself being pulled up. Someone had thrown me onto land. 

 I gasped and spat out water from my lungs. I looked around frantically for Rob. I saw him on his stomach coughing out water. I ran over to him still gasping for air. "T-thank god your alive." I whispered. He glared at me. I gave him a confused look. Once he had his air back he snapped at me. "What the hell were you thinking?! You, you don't just give me your last freaking breath! You were dying!! If it wasn't for superboy you would still be down there! Why? WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?!" He yelled. I stood there shocked. "I-" I was cut off. "No! Save it. I don't want to hear it." He started to walk off. "Robin! I did that because I would have felt much better dying if I had saved you!" He stopped and spun around to face me. He pointed his finger at my chest. "You know what would happen to me if you died! Just no! Never do that again!" He yelled and collapsed to the ground silently sobbing. 

 "Rob..." I crouched by him and engulfed him with a hug. "God, Wally. I love you to damn much to lose you." He cried into my shoulder. "I feel the exact same way." And we sat there, just in each others arms. 

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