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"My name is Richard John Grayson, I'm known as Robin and my boyfriend is Wallace West." Richard said as he took his glasses off. That's the guy I love. I couldn't keep my eyes off him even though he wasn't looking at me. "Wally I know you love me, but staring is a bit creepy." He joked. I smiled and looked away. "Y-you have blue eyes." Artemis stated. He nodded. "Arty do you remember a kid taking a photo of you on your first day of school at Gotham Academy?" She nodded. "That was me." She gaped at him. "You son of a-" She started to chase him and took out her small bow and arrows that she always have on her. I know she wasn't trying to hit him, but she missed her miss and withan arrow, I saw was the calculation and it was about to hit his right calf. I speeded towards him and caught the arrow, very pissed off. "Have better aim next time." I snarled. "I wasn't going to hit him." She defended her self. "No, I saw the calculation. He was turning and you didn't see that, you aimed thinking he was going right not left. He turned left and it was going to stab his right leg." I got up closer to her. "Think of everything that could possibly go wrong before you shoot at a teammate." I snapped at her while I threw her arrow at the ground near her feet.

 I stomped towards the kitchen and was filling my hands with junk food as always. I sighed. I just didn't want him to get hurt. "I know you don't Wally... I'm sorry." I turned and saw Artemis standing there. "It's okay, I think I over reacted. I'm sorry..." I shook my head. "No you didn't, I did. I shouldn't have tried to kill him once I heard that it was him who took the picture of me. I know he was just being Robin." She smiled apologetically. I smiled back at her. "Oh and if it helps... You guys are cute together." She winked and walked out. 


                                                                  A few weeks later

 I looked at Dick from his bed. He was cleaning everything in his room. I chuckled seeing this because when we were little he would do the same thing. I guess somethings don't change. "Dick, come on. You have been cleaning for hours. Just come and cuddle up with me and watch Transformers. Please?" I begged giving him my puppy eyes. "Ugh...  Fine, but only because I love you." He gave me a kiss on my check as he climbed up onto the bed. "I know you do." I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He rested his head on my shoulder while we interlocked our fingers. We were at the part where Bumblebee comes and saves Sam's life. "Yes! Way to go Bumblebee!" I yell. "Mhmm?" Rich asked, awakening. "Dude, you really need to stop going on those patrols with Bats. It's killing you." He shook his head and I looked down and saw our fingers still interlocked. I smiled and I guess he saw that because he gave my hand a squeeze.

 "No, it's not. I'm fine." He mumbled grogily. There was a light tap on the door. "Come in." I said. Megan opened the door. "Hey sleepy heads." She whispered looking at Robin. "Hey Megan." I said. "Would you like to come down for hanging out?" I nodded, but looked at Rob. "Sure..." He said tiredly. I got up and once Rob was up I used my speed and picked up my little birdy bridal style.  "Hey! Put me down!" He laughed, now fully awake. "Nope!" I chuckled, poping the 'p'. I ran all the way down stairs and saw Coner looking pissed, Arty standing in the corner, Kaldur talking with Zee and Megan following us. I finally put Rob down when he punched my arm. I grinned. "So what's going on?" I asked as I heard the zeta tube say, "Batman 0-1." I saw Rob scramble for his glasses and he put them on in the nick of time. "What's going on bats?" Rob asked. I would have asked the same thing if it wasn't for the fact that I'm terrified of him. "I have some alarming news." He said. We all got in a line. "The Justice Leage is missing."   


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