chapter 8

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Chanel POV
We head down to the meet and greet with the boys next to us talking amongst themselves and me and hailey talking.We arrived at the convention center where it was being held and we took our spot at our assigned booths ready to take pictures and sign stuff. And i was stuck with frickin Tristen and Wren. I mentally slapped myself for not switching. Wren gave me a toothless smile and i ignored. Tristen gave me a hopeful look and I glared at him.i sat in the middle( gonna kill whoever set this up) Wren is a really sweet guy and i want to forgive him but idk if i can,he never hurt me so i figured i will forgive him damn my good heart. "Wren since you never touched me and seem amazing i forgive you."HE JUMPS UP AND HUGS ME SO TIGHT AND IT FEELS GOOD. Tristen has a death jealous look shot towards Wren. hailey nods her head tells me i made a good choice in forgiving Wren and i knew i made a good choice too.


Sorry its short but i was with someone today so sorry but i will Update tomorrow or later tonight

Who should Chanel end up with
Who should Hailey end up with?

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